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Argumentative Research Essay Assignment (Individual)

Select a controversial issue that is raised in The Jungle and is still an issue in today’s society. The topic must be approved by instructor. The issue must be focused enough to be dealt with comprehensively in an essay of 10 – 15 pages, so the student may have to narrow the topic further. There must be two clearly opposing views or possibilities concerning the issue. The goal here is to present a reasonable, detailed, and convincing argument for a single position.

Assume the audience for this assignment is undecided. Therefore, emotional reasoning or generalizing will not work; you will convince the audience of the validity of your position through logical reasoning and concrete supporting evidence. An effective logical argument combines general claims and specific supporting evidence as discussed in class.

Possible Structure:


First Body Paragraph

Supporting Body Paragraphs


Works Cited (Separate Page)

Research and Documentation Style:

This assignment serves to provide students with an extended research project. The student will avail himself/herself of library facilities, including on-line materials and sources, in order to complete this research essay.

The Modern Language Association (MLA) parenthetical style documentation must be used. The use of other style manuals is permissible with instructor preapproval.

Plagiarism will not be tolerated. The student must be prepared to provide copies of source material upon demand.

The paper will be typed and double-spaced throughout.

Only three fonts (type faces) are acceptable for the paper: Times New Roman, Courier, and American Type Writer.

The student will use no less than seven(7) sources of which two must be in hard copy format (books, magazines, newspapers) in completing the project. A minimum of four direct quotes may be used in the research essay

The works cited page will appear at the end of the paper and on a separate page, with the words "Works Cited" centered at the top.

The student's name and the page number will appear in the upper right-hand corner of each page, including the first page and the works cited page.


Diction and Tone:

The argumentative paper is a formal, academic paper. Therefore, the tone should not be casual or off-hand or conversational.

Contractions, simulating speech should not appear in the paper unless the writer is quoting someone else. The writer should seek fresh ways of stating whatever it is he or she has to say.

The writer should convey his or her point with conviction and never leave any doubt in the reader's mind that he or she believes fully in the conclusion that he or she has arrived at.

Phrasing such as "I believe" or "I think" signify that the writer lacks conviction and should be avoided. Illogical shifting of point of view or the use of the colloquial "you" (second person) is to be strictly avoided.

Once again, this assignment requires the writer to produce a formal paper. Tone and diction should always reflect this.


The student must receive permission from the instructor to pursue and develop this assignment. No exceptions to these matters will be allowed without the approval of the instructor.