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Formatting of Assignments

To earn credit for assignments, the following must be clearly adhered to:
Homework and in-class exercises
oAll work submitted for credit must be on 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper. No spiral notebook paper will be accepted.
oThe assignment can be typed or legibly hand written.
oAll exercises must be clearly identified and recognizable.
oA title page is required.
Essays (In-class and Out-of-class)
oEssays must be written in blue or black ink or typed.
oSpacing If hand-written, write on every other line. In other words, skip a line. If typed, double space.
oPage Number Except for the first page, all other pages should be numbered in the upper right hand corner.
oA title page is required.
Title Page
All work submitted for credit must have a title page. This includes all homework and in-class work, such as exercises, essays, quizzes, handouts, etc.

The purpose of the title page is to help with the organization and proper credit-giving of the assigned work. Because English teachers have a deluge of papers to read and correct each semester, this organizational format will guarantee that each student is given the appropriate credit he/she is due.

Of what should the title page consist?

Title pages for each of the following will have their own specific format:
oHomework and in-class exercise title pages
oQuiz and Test title pages
oEssay title pages
oHomework and in-class exercise title pages will consist of the following information that is to be placed in the middle of the page.
-Student name
-Title of Course (i.e. English 79)
-Course Hour and Days (i.e. 9:30 M-W-F)
-Indicate Homework or In-class Work
-Text and Exercise and Page No. (If more than one exercise, each ex. and pg. no.)
-Instructor Gonzales
-Date Submitted or Due date
oQuiz and Test title pages will consist of the following information that is to be placed in the middle of the page.
-Student name
-Title of Course (i.e. English 79)
-Course Hour and Days (i.e. 9:30 M-W-F)
-Test Title
-Instructor Gonzales
-Date Submitted or Due date
oEssay title pages will consist of the following information:
-Essay Title
-by (Student Name)
-Title of Course (i.e. English 79)
-Course Hour and Days (i.e. 9:30 M-W-F)
-Instructor Gonzales
-Date Submitted or Due date

(SAMPLE of Homework and in-class exercise title pages )


Steps in Composition
"Reading Survey" (p. 8)
"Exercise 1a" (pp. 7-8)
"Exercise 1b" (p. 9)
"Exercise 1c" (pp. 11-12)








Steve Smith
English 79
9:30 M-W-F
Instructor Gonzales
Monday, January 15, 2000




. (SAMPLE of Quiz and Test title pages )


Subordination and Coordination Test








English 79
9:30 M-W-F
Instructor Gonzales
Monday, January 15, 2000




. (SAMPLE of Essay title pages )


Preserving the Wild: The Gray Wolf in Yellowstone





Steve Smith





English 1A
9:30 M-W-F
Instructor Gonzales
Monday, January 15, 2000

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