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Plot Analysis


Problem---------------------------------------------------------------> Solution/Resolution

Characterization ---> Problem/Conflict---> Complications---> Climax ---> Solution/Resolution


The people in a story are called characters. The author's way of telling the reader what kind of people they are is called characterization.

A skillful writer has many ways of conveying to an audience what kinds of people his/her characters are.

Direct Characterization
Direct characterization occurs when the author tells the reader straight out about a character.

Indirect Characterization
Indirect Chacterization occurs when the author lets the reader draw his/her own conclusions about a character based on the following indirect ways of characterization that the author gives:
1. What other characters think of a character.

2. Details of a character's appearance or actions.

3. What a character him/herself says.

4. What a character thinks.

5. How the character behaves in a revealing situation.


The problem refers to the conflict, the source of tension in a story. The conflict may be between the protagonist and another character known as the antagonist.

Both want something which only one can have. Or each one wants to win superiority over the other. Or one threatens the life of the other.

The conflict grows harder until it reaches where the opponents are face to face and one has to win. When one does win, the problem is solved and the tension is relaxed

The Four Main Types of Conflict
1. Protagonist vs. Self (Internal Conflict)

2. Protagonist vs. other(s)

3. Protagonist vs. Forces of Nature

4. Protagonist vs. God/Fate

In some stories there may seem to be no real problem as previously described.

For the most part, these stories emphasize character or idea. There seems to be no forces in opposition, and no climax in which the Forces are locked in a death struggle.

But there is tension in the story; there is tension in every story that really interests readers.


The author cannot leave the tension at the same level if he/she wants to maintain readers' interest. Therefore, the author introduces some roadblocks and detours.


The climax is simply the point of highest tension in the story. The climax is the point where the protagonist and antagonist are at last face to face, and one has to win.


One side has to win. The mystery has to be solved. The questions have to be answered. That is the reason for the climax.

After the climax, the story usually ends very quickly. The tension is relaxed, and the author has only to pick up the loose ends and tie them neatly

Rising Action-----------------> Climax-----------------> Falling Action

The part of the story before the climax is called the rising action of the story, because the tension is rising. The part of the story after the climax is called the falling action.

Most of the story occurs before the climax. When the climax has occurred and the tension is relaxed, then the story hurries to the end.