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English 1D Research Essay #1



When arguing a claim or proposition, most people believe they are seeking the "truth" to the issue under discussion. However, others believe that the "truth" is irrelevant when supporting a claim. They feel that an audience should agree with their perspective on the issue and that essayists or speakers can and should do whatever necessary to persuade their audience, even if it means preying on the ignorance of that audience. In such cases, therefore, seeking and/or stating the "truth" is irrelevant.

Much discussion is made about seeking the "truth." But what is the "truth"? Because the word truth is used frequently, people assume they know and assume others know what the word means. However, do people really know the meaning or understanding for the word truth. Is there an absolute meaning for truth? Are there various degrees for the truth? If there are various degrees of "truth,” then what is a "lie"? How does the concept of "truth" relate to the concept of "lying"? Are the various degrees of the concept of "truth" really various degrees of "lying"?

In three typed pages or more, write a three-part essay that attempts to answer the following question: What is the "truth"? Each part should consist of whatever number of paragraphs that are needed to address the issue. The parts are as follows:

•Part One - This part should consist of an overview of research that attempts to define and explain the "truth". In other words, you should write to examine and to discuss the various explanations and definitions that philosophers and other educated people have attempted to give to the term Truth. Be sure to include thoughts and examples of what they mean.

•Part Two - This part should consist of a discussion and/or criticism of the definitions and explanations of "truth" that you believe and accept and /or of those that you reject or partially reject. Be sure to discuss and explain. Give reasons and support for your beliefs.

•Part Three - This part should consist of a discussion of reasoning and exemplification of what you personally believe "truth" to be. This discussion should be very detailed. You need to provide enough examples to make your point.

The essay must be typed and double-spaced and follow an appropriate styles manual guide.

MLA Formatting and Style Guide

APA Formatting and Style Guide