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TO: Paula R. Wellson,University of Texas at Austin, Department of Computer Sciences
FROM: Janice Swiczhier
SUBJECT: Progress on Scheme Debugging Report
DATE: April 3, 1999

Dates of Progress Report

From:________ to ________ Hours Spent ________

Previous Background: This memo describes the progress I have made to date on my independent-study project to write a report on debugging in Scheme. In this memo, I review the nature of the project and describe work I have completed, work I am currently engaged in, and work I plan to complete by the end of the project. As I described in my memo of June 21, this project will result in a technical report whose purpose is to provide readers with practical information on developing and debugging programs in Scheme, supplementary to the material in your textbook, An Introduction to Scheme and its Implementation.

Project Description:The report is aimed at students in computer science (undergraduate and graduate) who have previous programming experience, but are new to Scheme. The information in this report is needed because readers who have developed programs using compilers for other languages may be unfamiliar with the approaches available with an interactive interpreter and debugger.

Work Completed:I have completed first drafts of the sections in part A on loading the debugging module, break levels, and apply-backtrace. I intend to make note of additional material for these sections while working on the later sections, if further background information is needed.

Work Scheduled:I am currently working on the sections in part B. Since these sections are highly interrelated, I am working on them roughly in parallel. I am also currently researching information on other Scheme systems for section 11; I have located information on Gambit and DrScheme. I expect the current work to be completed by the end of this week, July 25th.

Problems Encountered:(If any)

Future Work:Next, I will draft the sections in part C and the addendum on other Scheme systems. Finally, I will fully revise the entire draft, integrating further material where deficiencies have become evident during work on other sections. The final report will be ready for your review on August 6th.

Reflective Journal:Thus far, the project is proceeding well. I have not run into any major problems, nor do I anticipate any in the remaining work. A current outline is attached.