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English 1A

Copy and paste the questions below to a Word document.
Respond to the question or statement by using complete sentences.
All homework questions must by typed. Non-typed assignments will not be accepted.

YOU GOTTA HAVE "WA" Homework Questions for Chapter 1

1. Why did Bob Horner go to Japan to play baseball?

2. Which Japanese team signed him to play?

3. Why did team owner, Hisami Matsuzono, not want his team to win?

4. What does the word gaijin mean?

5. How did Horner perform when he first started playing in Japan?

6. How well did Horner profit from doing TV commercials?

7. How hard was it for Horner to have his privacy?

8. Why would Horner stay in his boxlike apartment, watching Clint Eastwood movies on video, or in the trainer's room at the ballpark?

9. How did Japanese baseball reflect the conservative bent of Japanese society as a whole?

10. Why was Japanese baseball more technical than American baseball?

11. How did the Japanese view pre-game practice and would Horner participate in these workouts?

12. What do the Japanese consider to be the ultimate measure of a player's worth?

13. How did the people and the media turn against Horner when he was injured?

14. Why did Horner believe that there was no joy in the Japanese game of baseball?

15. American ball players coined the phrase "work ball." What did it mean?

YOU GOTTA HAVE "WA" Homework Questions for Chapter 2

1. Why was there no Japanese equivalent for the word sport?

2. In your own word, explain the "Imbrie Incident"?

3. In 1911, why did some editorialists view baseball as evil?

4. Who was Suishu Tobita?

5. Explain Tobita's theory of managing.

6. When American baseball teams visited Japan in 1913, why did the Japanese find Americans' behavior strange?

7. In what year was the Japanese Professional League formed?

8. What was established in 1950?

9. How does baseball suit Japan's collective psyche?

10. In your own words, explain how Japanese baseball is more like a board meeting at Mitsubishi than an athletic event.