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you gotta have ‘wa ‘ Chapter 10
you gotta have ‘wa ‘ Chapter 10 Pages 220-223
1. How many meters away is the walk from Tokorozawa stadium to the stadium entrance? pg.220

2. Who is Yoshiaki Tsutsumi? pg.221

3. What did Yoshiaki get from his father’s wealth? pg.223

you gotta have ‘wa ‘ Chapter 10 Pages 223-226

4. What did Yoshiaki Tsutsumi write about in his graduate thesis and what did people think of him?

5. How did Tsutsumi’s people manipulate the draft?

6. Why did Shunjiro Kuma label Masayuki Kakefu a “defective product”?

you gotta have ‘wa ‘ Chapter 10 Pages 226-227

7. How are the Seibu employees expected to show their loyalty to the baseball team?

8. How does Tsutsumi use his corperate business to help his team?

you gotta have ‘wa ‘ Chapter 10 Pages 228-232

9. Describe the type of person Tsutumi is?

10. What is Tsutsumi’s corporate philosophy?

11. How did his philosophy carry over to the way he ran his baseball team?

you gotta have ‘wa ‘ Chapter 10 Pages 232-238
12. What did Hiroka do to surprise everyone?

13. When and why did Hiroka yank Ontiveros off the field?

14. What kind of personality did Hiroka have?