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English 1A


Copy and paste the questions below to a Word document. Respond to the question or statement by using complete sentences.

All homework questions must by typed. Non-typed assignments will not be accepted.

YOU GOTTA HAVE "WA" Homework Questions for Chapter 3

1. Who was Choji Murata?

2. Why did Murata not want to consider surgery for his injury?

3. What did Japanese medical doctors say was wrong with his arm?

4. Murata practiced Zen. How did he practice it?

5. What id Zen master Takamata recommend to Murata?

6. Why did Murata finally decide to se Dr. Jobe?

7. Who was Dr. Jobe?

8. Expalin the scientific factsabout pitching.

9. What new trend was started when Murata went to Dr. Jobe?

10. What does doryoku mean?

11. How did Sachio Kinugasa embody doryoku?

12. Explain how the capacity for doryoku must be cultivated through practice.

13. Explain why in Japan the word for indivdualism, kojinshugi is almost a dirty word.

14. How were Tatsunori Hara and Cla Ripken, Jr. similar? How were they different?

15. What is wa? Explain in detail.

16. Why have wa and doryoku long been regarded as indispensable elements in any successful organization in Japan. Explain in detail.