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So you want a free website made by me?

To have a free website from me you must sign up for everything on this website or that this website offers.(message boards,e-mail) and you must take the polls on the website.Once you have done these things e-mail me with the following items.
Your website topic
Your full name and Nickname
What you want your directory to be( /your state here/your website name here)states must be abreviated.
The title of your website
your e-mail adress
What picture you want at the top of your website*

* look at the pictures on my website and tell me.*

NOTE: I will only make your main page but I will e-mail you the basic commands. On your website at the bottom of the page I will have something saying that your site was created by me or something like that. If I find that you have typed anything below that then I will destroy your website and this feature of the site will be totally eliminated. In other words you could ruin this for millions of people. You would be marked as a traitor and banned from this site. And the same thing happens if you change the information at the bottom. Thank you and good day.

go home
