PART 11: TIDINGS OF COMFORT AND JOY by Kaede and Sensuha :: :: mean actions { } means thoughts ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Setting: The Weiss hallway Taya: ::walking down the Weiss hallway, singing Christmas carols rather loudly:: Youji: {What the ^*(&...?} Taya: FA LA LA LA LAAA~ Youji: ....Hell. Aya: ...? Taya: ::stands right outside Youji's door:: JINGLE BELLS YOUJI SMELLS~! Youji: ::gets up, goes to the door:: Nanda??! Taya: O holy niiiight... how many chicks did he piiiick up... it is the night when Youji gets it ooonnn.. Youji: ::opens the door:: Who the hell---- Taya-chan. Taya: Merry Christmas, Yotan! ::hands him what looks like a stick with pineneedles on it:: ^^ Youji: ..... ::takes it:: What is this? Taya: It's a Christmas tree! It just needs a little lo-- Oh, wait... Nevermind! ::takes it back:: =P Youji: .....? Taya: ::looks up:: Mistletoe again? Youji: Always. Get my present? Taya: ::still looking up:: It's kind of sad, having to resort to a funky ol' tradition to get someone to kiss you. An' that wasn't funny. Youji: I don't need the mistletoe. It's an added bonus. ^.~ Taya: ::staring at Youji's mistletoe:: Youji: ::shrugs:: Not like I need it. ^.~ Taya: You're just waiting for Omi to come under the mistletoe, aren't you. =P Youji: O.o;;; O-omi-kun??! Taya: I know the way you look at him... ^.~ ::pats his shoulder:: It's okay. Gay guys are cool. Youji: I'm not-- he's not--it's not-- NO! Taya: Are you sure? He's very cute... Besides, who else would come here besides me or one of your workers? (And it has to be Omi, because... yeah!) Youji: ::pauses, clears throat:: ...Girls suit me fine, thank you. (And besides, that'd be like kissing a kid... no, it WOULD be kissing a kid.) Many individuals (^.~) grace my apartment. Taya: ::raises an eyebrow:: Whatever you say, Yotan. Youji: ::shrugs, suave grin:: May I ask you what beings you here at five in the morning? Taya: ::mock-pout:: And here *I* am, under the mistletoe, an' I don't even get a "Merry Christmas, how ARE you, Taya-chan, I haven't seen you since you threw cookies in my face, how have you been?" I came to see Aya. ^^ And bug you. Youji: ::sighs, gives her a peck on the forehead:: Merry Christmas, Taya-chan. And will you let me go to bed now? Taya: Omi-kun waiting for you to go back to bed? Youji: Yeah, I have to-- NO!! O.o;;;! Taya: Daijoubu, daijoubu. I'll throw a party for you when you decide you're ready. ^.~ Merry Christmas, you "swingin' bachelor" you! ::pinches his cheek:: Youji: O.o (Noooooo....) Taya: ::skips off:: ^.^ Deck the halls with bows and Aya... fa la la laaaa... Youji: ::blinks at her, smiles a little:: Merry Christmas, Taya-chan. Taya: ::blows a kiss:: ^.~ ::sings at Aya's door:: O Aya-kun, O Aya-kun, please open up your door now... Aya: ::looking rather disgruntled and wearing "I love redheads" boxers, opens the door:: Ohayo, Taya-san. Taya: Ohayo~! ::whistles:: Nice boxers! (Do they have your name written in them?) Aya: ::looks down:: {%^&@.} Only in the back. Taya: ^.^ Aya: What brings you here this morning? Taya: Merry Christmas~ ::tackle:: Aya: o.o! Taya: Thank you for the kitty cat. ^^ Aya: Dou itashimashite. Taya: ::looks up:: No mistletoe? Aya: Try Youji-kun's door for that. (I don't need any.) Taya: Been there, done that. (No?) Aya: Really. (I hope not. ^.~) Taya: ::shrug:: (^^!) Aya: Well, Merry Christmas. Taya: Merry Christmas, Aya-kun. (Are you trying to get rid of me?) Aya: (You *can* come in, you know.) Taya: (Okay!) ::gets off of him, comes inside:: ^^ Aya: ^^; ::nods, closes the door:: Taya: ::tilts her head:: Aya: ::looks at her:: ..Would you like anything to drink? Tea? Taya: Oh, please! ^^ Aya: ::heads off to the kitchen, with a breif stop to put on pants:: Taya: >D Aya: ::comes out about five minutes later, handing her a cup of tea:: Taya: Arigatou! ^.^ Did I really wake you up? ::very spritely for five in the morning:: Aya: Yes. ::sits across from her:: Taya: Oh... ::sip:: Gomen... Aya: It's okay. Even if it IS 5AM, it's nice to see you. Taya: Hontou? ^^ Aya: ::nods, sips tea:: (But if you tell ANYONE about the boxers..) Taya: (I won't! ^^) Aya: (Hn.) Taya:... So... um... what did you ask Santa-san for this Christmas? Aya: ::sip:: ....A big favor. Taya: What kind of favor..? Aya: Something for.. a friend. ::silent:: Taya: .. Oh... Aya: ::nods, giving off the feeling that THIS IS NOT SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT:: Taya: ::sips her tea::: ... Anything else?... ::sip:: Aya: ::nods matter of factly:: A book....."101 Ways to Keep Your Hair Red". Taya: ..... Aya: ::calm look:: Taya: .. Okay. (I coulda told you that. Kool-Aid does wonders.) Aya: (...Thank you.) I actually got that and "How to Get The Man You Love". Good reading. ::sips:: Taya: .... ::sweatdrop:: That's great. (Well, like I told Youji, gay guys are cool...) Aya: ::gags on his tea:: (Excuse me??!) Taya: ::blinks innocently::: Something I said? Aya: (-.-;) Taya: (Why else would you have the book? And it doesn't matter, like I said, it's okay...) Aya: (-.-; It was a gift from Youji-kun.) Taya: (... That makes a lot of sense.) Aya: (He bought the wrong edition...) Taya: (Sou?) Aya: (He claims.) Taya: ::nods, sipping her tea again:: (But you still read it.) Aya: (An interesting take on the female mind.) :::sip:: Taya: ... Aya: ::stares at her:: Taya: So, you think you know everything about the female mind? ::stares back:: What'm I thinking about? {Aya under the Christmas tree, Aya under the Christmas tree, Aya under the Christmas tree...} Aya: Judging from the look on your face, something wholly impure. Taya: ... (It's not THAT impure..) Aya: ::smirks ever so slightly:: (Add some handcuffs, and you're there.) Taya: (... I was thinking Christmas ribbon, but handcuffs will do.) Aya: ::smirks a little more:: Taya: What're you smirking at! ::wearing the hat Omi gave her:: Aya: ::shakes his head, still smirking:: Taya: ~.~ ::pulls out a spool of Christmas ribbon:: Don't make me use this. Aya: o.o; Taya: >D Aya: ::stops smirking, schools his expression:: Taya: ::finishes her tea:: Aya: ::watches her:: Taya: ^.^ Aya: ::briefly glances at his clock, which now reads 5:30:: Taya: ::follows his glance, then looks back at him:: Is that a subliminal hint that I shouldn't be here? Aya: ::shrugs:: Taya: ::stretches:: Well, thank Ken-Ken. He's the one who broke into our apartment in a Santa Claus outfit. Aya: ::looks as if he's trying to hold back laughter:: ...You caught him. (Go figure, our smoothest one...) Taya: I thought he was Santa, until he went "anou". Aya: (-.-;;;; Only Ken.) Taya: So I beat him with my shoe. Aya: (O.o; Only you.) Taya: 6.6; He said I was bad... and that I would get coal.. Aya: Did you? Taya: I got this hat.. ::point:: (It's almost as bad.) Aya: ::laughs a mini-Aya-laugh:: Omi-kun? Taya: How'd you know? Aya: Only him. Taya: ^.^ Sou. It's kind of a bad hat... but it was sweet of him. Aya: ::nods:: Taya: I like my Abyssinian the best. ^.^ Aya: ::smiles:: I thought you might. Taya: ::beams:: Aya: ::Aya-grins:: Taya: ::bites her lip a little:: Aya: ::gets a little more serious upon seeing this:: Taya: ::stares down at her empty cup:: Aya: ::looks at her questioningly:: More tea? Taya: Hai... sankyu... Aya: ::pours some:: Taya: ::rubs her arm:: Aya: ::looks at her questioningly:: Are you all right? Taya: Yeah. Aya: ::nods:: Taya: ::sips her tea:: Aya: ::looks at her posture:: {Something's up....} Taya: .. I better head home. It's very... well, it's almost six. Aya: the morning. Taya: ::nods:: Aya: ::stands up to her out:: If you insist. Thank you for dropping by. Taya: You're welcome... thank you for the tea.. and the kitty.. Aya: ::nods:: Thank you for the cookies. Taya: And.. thank you for the card. Aya: ::turns a little more serious:: Did you read it? Taya: ::nods softly::: Aya: ::smiles, leans in and...:: Taya: ::closes her eyes:: Aya: ::...kisses her cheek:: Merry Christmas. Taya: .. Merry Christmas. ::kisses his cheek back:: Aya: ::smiles:: Ja mata ne. Taya: Ja... moou, I don't know if I should say Oyasumi or Ohayo. ^.^;; Aya: Ohayo.^^ It's a new day. Taya: Ohayo, then. Aya: ::nods, waves:: Taya: ::waves, a little reluctantly, heading down the hallway:: Aya: ::closes his door:: Taya: k'so... ::kicks Youji's door for good measure, heads home, hands in her pockets:: Youji: ??! (owari part eleven) Quick note: The "101 Ways..." ideas came from Super site; check it out!