PART 13: KAIWA by Kaede and Sensuha :: :: mean actions { } means thoughts ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Taya: ::walking down the street:: {do wa diddy diddy dum diddy doo...} Aya: ::heading for (guess where?) the hospital:: Car: ::pulls up beside Taya:: Excuse me, I'm lost... do you know where I could find... Taya: Anouuu... Aya: .... ::looks in that direction:: ..! Taya: Anou... I'm sorry, I really-- Aya: !! ::casually speeds up:: Guy: ::grabs her wrist:: Get in the car. Taya: Nani??!! Aya:: !!!!! ::gets up to the car; breaks the guy's grip:: What do you think you're doing? Guy: What the fuck?? Taya: Aya! Aya: ::glares at him coldly:: Watch your language around women. ::takes Taya's hand:: Let's go. Taya: ::blinkblink:: Okay. Aya: ::leads her off in the direction he was going, out of sight of that guy:: Taya: ... I could have taken care of myself, you know. Aya: Really. Taya: You didn't have to. Honest. I could have taken care of myself... Aya: ::shakes his head:: I'm sure you could have, but I'm glad I was there. Taya: ::squeezes his hand lightly:: yeah... thank you. Aya: ::nods, slight smile:: Taya: You really scared him. ^^ Aya: ::allows a bit more of a smile:: It's the hair. Taya: Mou! I like your hair! Aya: ::poses slightly; leers subtly:: Really... Taya: Really! Aya: ^_^ Sou. Taya: What brings you out so early on Christmas morning? Aya: ::opens his mouth as if to say something, then closes it:: ...Just out. Taya: .... Oh. Aya: ::silent:: Taya: ::looks down:: warukatta, ne. Aya: ::silent:: Taya: ... What did I say? Aya: Nothing. It's personal. ::moves to leave:: Stay safe, and Merry Christmas. Ja. Taya: Cho-tto. ::yanks on his hand:: You're not going anywhere. Aya: -.-; Taya: (I still have the ribbon, you know.) Aya: (o.O; Nothing kinky, thank you.) Taya: (^.^ Behave.) So, where're we going? Aya: ::*looks* at her:: "We're" not going anywhere.. Taya: ::holds up the ribbon:: -.- I *will* tie you to me. Aya: -.-;; Taya: So... once again... where're we going? Aya: ...A café. To get coffee. Taya: Okay. ^^ Aya: {-.-} ::walks towards the nearest café:: Taya: ^.^ Aya: ::sits down at a table; orders two coffees:: Taya: {Morning coffee...} ::swings her feet a little:: Aya: ::takes the coffee when it arrives, ignoring the waiter's leer:: Douzo. Taya: Arigatou... Aya: ::nods, sips his slowly:: {>.<} Taya: ::sips hers:: Daijoubu? Aya: Aa. Taya: ::sighs:: Man.. I've been dreading this day for a while... Aya: What about it? Taya: I thought I'd be alone... plus I have to call my parents. -.- Aya: Christmas? ::smiles a little at the last comment:: Not on good terms? Taya: Let's just say I'm the black sheep of the family... my older sister's a lawyer. With two kids. ::sips her coffee:: Aya: I can see why you might be considered thus. Taya: And I... I... what the hell am I? Aya: A university student. ::shrugs:: Taya: Yeah, but I'm not going to be a lawyer or a doctor or whatever. I'm the embarrassing one. Aya: What are you planning to be? ::sips:: Taya: I have no idea... I was hoping to be a dancer or something like that... ::sips her coffee:: But, you know, with the price of living and what-not... it might be better to go out into the country or something. Aya: ::a little surprised, nods:: What classes are you taking at the Uni? Taya: Art history, English, music, and chemistry. Aya: ::nods:: That sounds like a good class list. What's to be embarrassed about there? Taya: It's more my extra-curricular activities. Aya: Which are..? ::realizes:: Ah. Taya: ::nods:: Aya: ::nods slowly:: Taya: ::smiles sheepishly: Aya: ::silent, sips coffee:: Taya: ::sips too, looking down:: Aya: But you're still on speaking terms? Taya: Sorta... I'm expected to call on holidays. But otherwise I leave them alone and they leave me alone. Aya: Truce relationship. Taya: Pretty much. Not a nice relationship to have with your parents... but it's alright. I'm just glad I'm out of their house. Aya: ::nods:: {Better than......} Taya: ::doesn't ask about his, senses pain there:: ... Aya: ::looks off into the distance, briefly:: ::sips:: Taya: i'm sorry i bothered you... ::softly:: Aya: ::shakes his head dismissively, shaking himself out of his funk:: I'm fine. No...bother. Taya: I mean it... I'm always bugging you, ne? From waking you up at weird hours of the night to attacking you in the middle of the store... I should cut it out. Aya: ::raises his eyebrows:: ...It's not so bad. Taya: ::looks down:: Taya: 'Cause... you know.. I really like you... I don't want to screw anything up. Aya: ::looks a little surprised at that admission:: .... Taya: ::stares at her coffee:: I guess I've said too much. Aya: …Not at all. I...didn't really know. Taya: ::smiles a little:: I should get going... you've got plans today. Aya: I do... but you can stay if you like. Taya: You mean it? Aya: ::nods:: Yeah. Taya: ... Okay. Aya: :siiiiiip:: Taya: ::sips too:: Aya: .... Taya: So... Aya: So...? Taya: ::finishes her coffee:: Where're we going next..? Aya: ::abandons his idea of the hospital for now:: ...Where do you want to go? Taya: I don't know... ::pulls out some money from her pocket:: That's enough for my coffee. Aya: ::shakes his head:: My treat. ::pays the waiter:: Taya: Demo- Aya: ::shakes his head:: Merry Christmas. Taya: Merry Christmas.. ::softly:: Aya: ::smiles:: C'mon, I'll at least walk you to your dorm. Taya: Okay. ^.^ Aya: ::gets up:: Taya: ::does too, leaves a tip for the waiter:: Aya: ::takes her hand, starts walking down the street:: Taya:::smiles:: Aya: ::walks her back to her dorm, slowly:: Taya: ::squeezes his hand:: Aya: ::smiles slightly:: Taya: ::leans over and kisses his cheek, not far from an ear-spike:: Aa! Aya: ::*really* surprised now:: (Bold, are we?) Taya: (Oi, you kissed my cheek earlier this morning...) Aya:::smiles:: Taya: ::smiles back:: Aya: ^_^ Taya: ^.^ ::touches his cheek:: Aya: ::walks down the sidewalk, actually remotely happy:: Taya: ^.^ Aya: ..? Taya: ::tilts her head:: Aya: ::smiles nicely:: Taya: ::smiles back, then winks:: Aren't you going to kiss me back? Aya: ::gets an evil idea:: .... Taya: ::tilts her head:: Aya:::looks at her innocently:: ...Maybe. Taya: Maybe? Aya: ::shrugs inncently:: Taya: Mou! ::pouts:: Aya: (You're cute when you do that.) Taya: ::does it again:: Aya: (::smirks::) Taya: ^.~ Here's my dorm... want to come in? Aya: ::considers:: ..Okay. Taya: ^.^ Ken: ::still asleep on the couch:: Sayoko: ::sleeping on the couch:: Taya: Haaii... Sayoko, resident genius... and Ken Ken. Sayoko: ::still sleeping:: zzzz Ken: ::sleeping:: zzz.. Aya: ..... Taya: Must have been a long night for Santa. ::gesturing to Ken's Santa suit:: Aya: ...{Only him. -.-;} Taya: ::smiles softly:: I know we just had coffee.. but d'you want anything else? (I've got three different kinds of Pocky..) Aya: (Tempting.) I'm fine, thank you. Taya: (^.~) Mmm. Aya: ::stands rather awkwardly:: Taya: ::raises an eyebrow:: Daijoubu? Aya: Aa.. Taya: ^.^;;; Have a set. Seat! Aya: ::looks at Sayoko and Ken, who are pretty much taking up the couch:: Taya: You can sit on Sayoko's bed.. (It's the clean one.) Aya: She won't mind...? Taya: Unless you'd rather sit on mine... Aya: ::shrugs:: Taya: ::sits on her bed, pats next to her:: Aya: ::sits there, relaxes and sighs:: Taya: Sure I'm not keeping you from anything important? ::pinches Aya's leg:: Oi! Aya: ::shakes his head:: Nani??! ..It's all right. Don't worry. Taya: Okay... you're spacing out. ::looks worried:: Aya: I'm fine. Taya:::kisses his cheek again:: Aya: Really forward today, aren't we? Taya: Hey, it's Christmas. ^^ Aya: It is. ::pauses, evil thoughts coming back:: ::turns and quickly kisses her full on the lips:: Taya: ::blinks, kisses back:: [In the living room….] Sayoko: ::stirs:: ..? Ken: ::asleep still:: Sayoko: ::turns to him:: {Aww.} ::edges away and gets up slowly, as not to disturb him:: Ken: ::in his sleep:: temee... Sayoko: ::successfully gets up, heads to the bedroom to change:: Taya: ::spending quality Christmas time with Aya:: Sayoko: ::walks in the room, not looking, takes off her shirt heading towards her closet:: Taya: Anou- Sayoko: ::turns around, covers her chest:: !!! Nani??! Taya: ^.^;; Hi. (Merry Christmas!) Sayoko: o.o! ..... (Merry Christmas.) ::ducks into the closet:: Ken: zzzz.. Aya: o.o Taya: ^.^; Sayoko: {@^%$#&%(*&%^(*&!!} Taya: The, um, wonders of living in a dorm... ne? Aya: .. I would suppose so. ::kisses her again:: Taya: ::kisses back:: ^.^ Sayoko: ::puts on pants and a shirt, peeks out:: {Holy #$%^...} (owari part thirteen)