PART 15: DIFFERENCES by Kaede and Sensuha :: :: mean actions { } means thoughts ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Setting: In front of the movie theater, a little later Ken: Here we are~! Sayoko: That was fast... Ken: Yup! Sayoko: ::lets go carefully:: Ken: ::kicks the kickstand down:: Sayoko: ::hands him the helmet:: Thanks. Ken: Welcome. Sayoko: ..D'you lock it or anything? Ken: I'll go lock it up. Sayoko: ::nods:: Ken: ^_^ Sayoko: Should I come, or stay? Ken: Take a look at the movies and pick what you want to see... Sayoko: ::goes over to the listings:: Ken: ::comes back:: Sayoko: What about that? ::points:: Ken: Mmm.. looks good! Sayoko: ::goes up to the ticket window and buys two tickets:: Ken: Oh, I'll pay for mine-- Sayoko: My treat. Merry Christmas. Ken: Merry Christmas... I'll treat to food, then.. Sayoko: Not neccessary, but if you want to... Ken: Sure. ^_^ Sayoko: ::heads inside, hands the guy their tickets:: Guy: {Who would go to the movies at 7:30 in the morning??} Sayoko: (:-P) Ken: ::takes Sayoko's hand:: Sayoko: ^.^ ::squeezes his hand:: Ken: ^_^ Shall we look at food, or just go to the movie? Sayoko: I'm not too hungry... let's go see the movie. Ken: Okay. ^_^ Sayoko: ^.^ Ken: We'll prolly have the whole place to ourselves.. Sayoko: All the better. ::wicked grin:: Ken: ::grins:: Sayoko: ^.^ Ken: ::kisses her cheek:: Sayoko: ::blush:: Ken: Mm? Sayoko: ::quietly:: Nothing. Ken: You sure? Sayoko: Yeah... Ken: Okay.. here we go.. ::opens the door:: Setting: At the park, at the same time Taya: ::walking in the park with Aya:: Aya: ::points to a bird, names it:: Taya: ^.^! Aya: ::points to a flower, names it:: Taya: ::bends to smell the flower:: Aya: ::Aya smile:: Taya: mmm.. Aya: That one'll be even nicer. Taya: ::smells the other one:: Aya: ^_^ Taya: ^^! Aya: ::takes her hand, leads her on:: Taya: ^.^ Aya: ::points out more things:: Taya: =o Aya: ^_^ Taya: Wow, where did you learn all this...? Aya: The birds are a hobby.... the flowers, I think you can guess. Taya: ::nods:: Aya: ::points out something else:: Taya: Woow.. Aya: ::nods::. Taya: =D ::pulls him under a tree:: *kisu* Aya: o.o! ::kisses back:: Taya: ^.^ S'ki desu. Aya: ..S'ki da. Taya: ^.^! ::kisses again:: Youji: ::walks by:: {That couple's certainly busy...} ::whistles:: Taya: ::blinks:: Aya: {I know that whistle... } Youji: ::calls:: Get a room! Taya: =P!! You're just jealous, Yotan! Youji: ::didn't realize who is was:: Taya-chan??! And... Aya? ::falls over laughing:: Taya: -.- ::throws a handy mango at him:: *BOOM!* Aya: {Oh f---.} Youji: Ow! Taya-chan!! Taya: ^.^v Aya: ::takes Taya's hand:: Let's go... Taya: Aa.. haai... Youji: ::whistles:: Policeman: ::tickets Youji for disturbing the peace:: Taya: ::squeezes Aya's hand:: Aya: ... Taya: ::kisses the back of his hand:: He just needs something heavy thrown at him once in a while. Aya: ..... Taya: ... 6.6 Aya: {F---.} Taya: Are you worried about what he's going to do? Aya: Mildly... Taya: Don't worry... it won't be that bad... Aya: You don't know Youji-kun... like I do. Taya: I know him in a different way. Aya: You do. Taya: ::bites her lip:: Gomen... Aya: ::shrugs:: I'm not offended. Youji's a ladies' man. Taya: You don't need to remind me. Aya: ::nods, keeps walking:: Taya: ::eyes closed, head down:: Aya: ::sighs:: Hey, cheer up. Taya: Isn't that my line? Aya: It might be, but it suits now. Don't worry; cheer up. Taya: ::smiles a little:: I'm sorry... Aya: Don't be sorry. ::holds her hand:: Taya: I guess I kinda still care about Youji... Aya: ::face falls:: ....I can understand that. Taya: ..But... I... I... Aya ga s'ki desu... Aya: ::nods silently:: Taya: ::bites her lip:: Aya: ... Taya: ::kicks a rock:: I fucked up again, didn't I. Aya: ... Taya: You're going to have to get used to me if anything... maybe you're used to hiding emotion, but I'm out there about it. So... I don't know what to tell you. Take me or leave me.. I don't like hiding things from people. Aya: .....I've noticed that difference. Taya: Do you mind it..? Aya: .....No really, no. Taya: ^.^ Aya: ...But it certainly takes getting used to. Taya: ^.^ We've got time. Aya: We do. Taya: ^.^! Aya: ::nods, starts walking, hand in hand with her:: Taya: Aya-kun? Aya: Hm? Taya: ::touches his earring:: Where'd you get this? Aya: ::stomach flips:: .... Taya: ... Or is that one of those touchy subjects I shouldn't ask about because you'll just get all silent. Aya: ::curt nod:: Taya: Yare yare. Aya: ::tiny glare:: {No respect..} Taya: ::sighs, gives him a glance back:: {No trust..} (owari part fifteen)