PART 2: DANCING THE NIGHT AWAY by Kaede and Sensuha :: :: mean actions { } means thoughts ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Setting: The dance club. Dark, kinda smoky.. Ken: {I'd rather be playing soccer...} ::rolls his eyes as Youji approaches ANOTHER girl:: {And they're not playing ANY good music...} Youji: ::suave smile:: Hello. How would you feel about.. Girl: ::titter!:: Girls: ::tittering over Aya, who's less than thrilled about this:: Aya: .... Youji: ::hitting on random girls:: Ken: ::taps Youji's shoulder:: I thought we were going to inVEStigate a MISsion! Youji: ::to Ken:: That can wait. ::turns back:: So, Sayuri.... Sayuri: ::swoon:: Ken: Uso. Taya: ::pushing her way through the crowd of girls:: 'SCUSE ME, YER BLOCKIN' THE BAR, MOVE ALONG!! NOTHIN' TO SEE, LET'S GET MOVING PEOPLE, I'M THIRSTY AS HELL!! Sayoko: -.-;;; I'm just going to go over here now..... ::heads off into the crowd:: Ken: Yare yare... what a mess... Taya: ::making her way through the Youji fan-girls:: MOVE IT OR LOSE IT, HUSSY! Youji: ::eyes her going by:: Sayoko: ::working her way towards the corner:: Taya: ::pushpush:: Ken: -