PART 20: AFTERMATH by Kaede and Sensuha :: :: mean actions { } means thoughts ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Setting: Aya's apartment Taya: ::wakes up, in Aya's trenchcoat:: e.e...? doko.. Aya: ::in his apartment, sitting by his bed, where she's lying::. Taya: ::sits up:: Aya-kun... Aya: Taya.. Taya: That guy- Aya: ..Is dead. Taya: Dead..! Aya: ::nods:: Taya: What happened... why am I here.. why am I in your coat...? (why does your coat smell like blood?) Aya: You were kidnapped...we rescued you.. you weren't...wearing much... (It..does.) Taya: ::hugs him tight:: Aya: ::hugs her too:: Taya: arigatou.. Aya: dou itashimashite... Taya: ::stays in his arms:: Aya: ::moves up onto the bed:: Taya: ::kisses his cheek softly:: Aya: ::kisses her:: Taya: ::kisses him back:: I think I love you. Aya: o.o .... Taya: ^.^ Setting: Aya's apartment, later Taya: ::wakes up:: e.e? Aya: ::sleeping next to her:: Taya: :::blinks, realizing:: Aya: ::be's...asleep:: Taya: ::touches his cheek:: Aya: ::eyes fly open:: Taya: ::blink:: Aya: ::stares at her for a moment:: o.o Taya: ::smiles sweetly:: Aya: ::urgently:: Daijoubu??! Taya: Hai!! ^.^ Aya: ::looks at her worriedly:: ..! Taya: ::kisses softly:: Aya: ::surprised, lets her, kisses back:: Taya: Daijoubu? Aya: ::nods:: Taya: You haven't had a girlfriend in a while, have you ^.~ Aya: ::looks at her, shakes his head:: Taya: I can kinda tell... but it's nice. ^.^ Aya: How can you tell...? Taya: The way you kiss. Aya: ::faint red tinge:: ..... Taya: ^.^ It's nice.. Sort of shy and innocent. Aya: ::raises his eyebrows skeptically:: Taya: ::kisses again::: I like it. Aya: ::goes back to kissing her:: Taya: ^.^ Omi: ::knocks on the door:: Aya: ::ignores the door, deliberately:: Omi: ::knockknock:: Aya: ::ignores:: Taya: There's someone at the door. Aya: I know. ::kiss:: Taya: ::kiss:: Aya: ::continues to ignore the door:: Omi: Aya-kuuun~ Aya: (-.-) Taya: >D ::gets up, goes to the door in nothing more than Aya's trench coat:: Aya: ::realizes what she's doing:: Taya-san....-! Taya: Shhh! ^.^ Aya: ::decides what the hell:: >) Taya: ::opens the door:: OHAYO GOZAIMASU, OMI-KUN!! Omi: ::keels over:: x.x!! Aya: ::snickers:: Taya: ::pokes him with her toe:: Aya: ::checks his pulse:: He's fine. Youji: ::sticks his head out his door:: (Was that the thump of a body I heard?) Taya: ::waves:: Ohayo gozaimasu, Youji-kun! Youji: o.o (Aya, you devil.....^.~) Taya: ^.^v Aya: o.o! Taya: ::goes back inside:: Aya: ::nudges Omi away, closes the door::… I could have a little something to eat. Taya: 'Kay... let's take a look in your refrigerator.... (Okay, what the heck is acerola juice??) Aya: ::heads to the kitchen behind her:: (.....) Taya: ::pulls the trench coat around closer:: Aya: ::opens a cupboard, keeping an eye on her:: Taya: ::yawns:: So.. what exactly happened..? Aya: When? Taya: I was at the gym and something stung me, and then I woke up. Something had to have happened between me at the gym and me at your apartment in your coat. Aya: ...... ::debates whether to tell her about it or not:: ....A worker there found you on the ground. She said you look like you tripped and fell, so I took you back here to make sure you woke up okay. Taya: Oh... Aya: You were tossing and turning, warm with... fever, so I gave you my trenchcoat to keep you warm. Taya: I don't feel sick... (And this wasn't the coat you were wearing at the gym...) Aya: You must be feeling better, then. (I gave it to you.. after we came back.) Taya: Mm.. Aya: So... *are* you feeling better? Taya: ::nods, fidgets a little:: Aya: ::waits for her to say whatever she's going to say:: Taya: ...Are things going to be different between us now..? ::pulling the trenchcoat tight around her:: Aya: ::doesn't answer, deliberately silent; goes back to searching the cupboards:: Taya: ::sits:: Aya: ::finally decides to just make tea:: …. Taya: ::yawns:: Aya: Tired? Taya: A little... Aya: Go to bed. I'll bring you tea. Taya: Okay.. Aya: ::turns back to making tea:: Taya: ::stretches:: Aya: ::glances behind him briefly:: ... Taya: ^.~ Aya: ::turns around quicky, faintly blushing:: Taya: ::giggles, comes back, wrapping her arms around his neck:: Aiiiiiiiiiiiisuru! Aya: ::more than a little surprised to have a semi-clad Taya hanging off of him:: o.o Taya: ^.^! Aya: ::just stands there, mildly panicked:: Taya: .. ::lets go:: You know, when someone tells you they love you, it's standard to at least pretend that the world's not ending. Aya: ...S'ki da yo. Taya: ^.^ ::kisses his cheek:: That's better! Aya: ::still a little shaken from the semi-clad Taya:: ... Taya: ^.^ Aya: ::messes with the teaball a little, hoping she'll leave him to regroup:: Taya: Off to bed~! (You'll come later, neeee...?) Aya: (I'll bring you tea in a minute....) Taya: ^.^ Aya: ::continues preparing tea:: Taya: ::sits:: Aya: ::exhales; relaxes:: {....Che...} (owari part twenty)