PART 7: HEARTS AND FLOWERS by Kaede and Sensuha :: :: mean actions { } means thoughts ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Setting: At the apartment Sayoko: ::still studying away:: Taya: ::opens the door:: Geezus. Sayoko: ::looks up:: Hm? Taya: Yotan got real grabby today... ::changing into pajamas because they're more comfortable:: Sayoko: ::raises her eyebrows:: Do I want to know...? Taya: So I told him to quit it and he wouldn't listen. So I left. And! ::looking for her cigarettes:: Guess who I might go out with. Sayoko: I'm proud of you. Say Ken and die. Taya: Not your precious Ken. It's Aya. Sayoko: ::blinks:: ....I thought you were a guy's girl. Taya: What d'you-- Aya's a guy!! Sayoko: Um.... You know, it's really okay. I have no problem with that kind of thing. Taya: Aya's a guy!! ::stamps her foot:: Sayoko: .... Taya: ::sighs, irritated, still looking for her cigarettes:: Sayoko: ::goes back to highlighting her textbook:: Taya: ::finds them:: =D ::the box is empty:: -.-;;; Sayoko: Take those outside... ::highlighthighlight:: Taya: Take what outside? It's empty. (Yotan must've gotten into them. Kuso.) Sayoko: Ne'ermind, then. Taya: ::grumbles:: Sayoko: ::looks at the clock, which now reads 12:53am:: ... I'm going to bed. Taya: ::sighs:: Sayoko: ::changes her shirt to a PJ shirt:: You okay? ::musses up her hair by pulling her shirt over her head:: Taya: Yeah.. I just.. yeah. I'll be okay. Sayoko: I'm here if you wanna talk. ::climbs under the covers:: Taya: .. I still say you're the luckier one. Sayoko: I still say it's debatable. Oyasumi nasai. Taya: Oya-fuckin'-sumi nasai. Sayoko: ::closes her eyes:: Setting: The dorm room, morning, a few days later. Taya: ::looking for breakfast:: Mou! Sayoko: ::comes out of the bathroom, tying her hair back, trying not to get it caught in her glasses:: Taya: Nothing good... oi, where you going? Sayoko: ::successfully ties it back:: Over to the flower shop. ::pulls on a jacket:: Taya: Hey, I'm comin'! ::rushes to get on clothes:: Wait for me! Sayoko: ::tying her shoes, pauses:: ...You're *coming*? Taya: I'm coming with you. ^^ Sayoko: ...Okay. ::finishes tying her shoes, waits by the door:: Taya: ::gets dressed:: Ikimashou! Sayoko: ...Okay then. SMercury12: ^^ Setting: A little later, after walking, near Kitten in the House Sayoko: ::nears the flowershop:: ...What's that squeaky noise...? Taya: What's what squeaky noise? Sayoko: That kind of high-pitched whine. Taya: Mosquitoes? But not in the morning.. Sayoko: ::shrugs, continues to walk:: Girls: WAI WAI WAI!! Taya: Nande fu-- Sayoko: What the....? ::taps a girl on the shoulder:: ...What's going on? Girl: All four are here today! WAAAAIII! Taya: ~.~ ::pushes her way through:: 'SCUSE ME! Youji: ::looks up, surprised:: Taya-chan- Taya: ::finds Aya:: Aya! ^^! Sayoko: ::follows quietly:: ...Ken-kun...? Ken: ::looks up:: Sayoko-san? Sayoko: ::smiles, a little freaked out by all the schoolgirls:: Ken: See? Omi: ::hiding from Ouka:: ;.; Sayoko: ::nods, semi-mutely:: This is a bad time, isn't it? Youji: Feeling better, Taya-- Taya: So, Aya, when're you going to take me up on going out? ^^ Ken: It's alright.. we can sneak out the back door. Youji: Ay-- O.o;; Sayoko: ::looks around:: Are you sure...? Omi: ::from under the table:: Ouch, Youji-kun. Ken: Sure! Let's go. Aya: .... Youji: ::kicks at Omi:: Urusai! Omi: Itai-! Ouka: I FOUND YOU, OMI-KUN!! Omi: O.o!! Sayoko: ::slips behind the counter and out with Ken:: Ken: ^_^;; Toldja it's crazy.. Sayoko: Wow... Ken: This is actually a good day. Sayoko: ::silent:: Ken: How've you been? Sayoko: Pretty okay. A lot of homework. Yourself? Ken: Running the shop, trying to keep things semi-sane.. Sayoko: Being successful? Ken: Not really. Sayoko: ::smiles a little:: Oh well. Ken: How's Taya? Sayoko: She's doing okay. She got in a...something with Youji-kun the other night. Ken: Yeah, he's been moping around a bit. Not too much. Taya: Sounds about right. She said something about an Aya-kun too....? Ken: Aya- o.o;; Oh. Sayoko: Co-worker here? Ken: The redhead. Sayoko: The silent guy! Ken: Yup. Sayoko: Ah. Ken: Youji'll be pretty mad.. Sayoko: ::nods solemly:: Taya.... moves between men a lot. Ken: Youji does that with women too... so I don't think he'll be that mad. Sayoko: ::looks at him cautiously:: I... never quite understood the mindset. Ken: Me neither... ::sighs:: Sayoko: ::sighs quietly with relief:: So... been doing okay? Ken: ::nods:: Oh, I should give you your shirt back- Sayoko: Oh, yeah... ::nods:: Ken: It's up in my apartment... come with? Sayoko: Yeah, sure. Ken: This way... Sayoko: ::follows him:: Ken: ::goes upstairs:: It's kinda messy, but it's not too bad.. Sayoko: I'm sure it's not bad at all. Ken: ::opens the door:: Right here. Sayoko: ::peers in:: Ken's room: ::not that messy, the bed's unmade, but there's not too much of a mess. There's some old sports magazines on the table, and a few books on gardening.. and an orange long-sleeved button up shirt:: Sayoko: ..Nice shirt, there. Ken: Aa! O.o;; ^_^;; Sayoko: ::smiles:: Ken: ::picks it up and holds it behind his back:: ^_^; It's, um, Aya's. I borrowed it. Sayoko: It'd be a good color on you. Ken: ^_^; Sayoko: ::pauses:: Ken: I washed and folded your shirt.. ::hands it back to her:: Sayoko: ::blinks:: Thank you. That was really nice of you...... Ken: You're welcome. ^_^ Sayoko: Geh... ::sighs:: You're too nice, Ken-kun! Ken: You wouldn't want me to return it dirty and wrinkled.. Sayoko: ::shrugs:: I would have dealt with it. But thank you. Ken: ::kisses her cheek:: Dou itashimash'te. Sayoko: ::blushes:: Ken: ^_^ Sayoko: ::falls awkwardly silent:: Ken: ::does too, organizes the magazines an' stuff on the table:: Wanna head back to the shop, or stay here for a bit? Sayoko: Um... your choice. Ken: I'd kind of like to stay away from all the squealing. Sayoko: I can understand that. ^^; Ken: ^_^ Sayoko: So.... Ken: Can I get you anything to eat or drink? Flashback to Taya: (MORNING COFFEE! SAY MORNING COFFEE!) Sayoko: ...Do you have any water? Flashback to Taya: (K'so!) Ken: Aa. ^_^ Sensuha: ::smiles, silently smacking FT:: Ken: ::comes back with her water:: Douzo... Sayoko: Doumo. ::takes the water, and gingerly, a seat:: Ken: Anythin' else you need? Sayoko: This is great, thank you. Ken: ^.^ Sayoko: ::smiles, sips:: Ken: ::drums on his thighs lightly:: Played any more soccer? Sayoko: Not in the last couple days. Too many tests, no one to play with. Ken: Soccer's a good way to get your mind off stuff. Sayoko: You seem to take that to heart. Ken: ::smiles, a little sadly:: Sayoko: ::looks up at the change of mood:: Ken: ::stretches his arms a little:: 'Scuse me.. ::gets up, accidentally knocking over a two-year-old sports magazine with him on the cover:: Sayoko: ::reaches to pick it up for him:: Hey-- Ken: ::turns:: Hm? Sayoko: This is you, isn't it? ::points:: Ken: ::turns:: A-aa.. That's me. Sayoko: That's really cool. ::starts to flip through the magazine:: Ken: ::sits back down:: I used to be on J-League.. Sayoko: You mentioned that... I didn't realize you were this famous, though.... Ken: ^_^;; Sayoko: ::smiles, flips through:: You're cute in your uniform. Ken: ^_^;; Sayoko: ::smiles:: Ken: I quit two years ago. Sayoko: Why quit something as great as that, though? Ken: ... My team lost a big game because of me... they accused me of fixing the game so we'd lose... and I was suspended. Sayoko: ..... Ken: I know now it was a set up.. someone gave me drugged water. Sayoko: ::blinks:: That's *serious*. Wasn't there official involvement? Ken: They didn't know until recently. Sayoko: How recently...? Ken: A few months ago. Sayoko: How come you're not back playing, then? Could you be? Ken: I'm happy now. Sayoko: ::nods:: Ken: ::smiles softly:: Sayoko: Anything on your mind? Ken: Nothing important. Sayoko: ::lapses into silence:: Ken: ::quiet too:: Sayoko: ::...makes an attempt to break the silence:: It's getting late.... Ken: It's only afternoon... ::glances at his watch, thwacks it lightly on the table:: (Ow.) Sayoko: ....So it is. ::feels stupid now:: Ken: Hungry? Sayoko: ::pauses:: Actually, yeah, I am. Ken: ::gets up:: Let's see what I've got... Sayoko: You want help? Ken: Iyaa... I've got ramen, you want that? Sayoko: Sure, ramen's great. Ken: ::rustlerustle:: Sayoko: ::starts to get up:: You sure you don't want help? Ken: ::hits his head on the counter:: @.@ I'm fine. Sayoko: ::peeks her head around the corner of the wall:: You okay? Ken: Yeah, yeah... ::starts boiling water:: Sayoko: ..Okay. Ken: Thanks, though... Sayoko: ::nods, leans in the doorway:: Ken: ::cooking her ramen:: Anything else? Sayoko: ::shakes her head:: (You'll do just fine...) Ken: (Aa? *O.O*) Sayoko: ::smiles innocently:: Ken: ^_^;;;; Sayoko: ^.^ Ken: Come a little closer and say that again? ^_^; Sayoko: ::pauses, considering for a moment, then walks right up to him:: *You'll do just fine.* ^.~ Ken: ^_^;;; Sayoko: ::half-smirks, then moves back to her spot in the doorway:: Ken: ::finishes her ramen:: Hai, douzo! Sayoko: ::takes the bowl:: Thank you. Ken: No problem. (And we'll see about me later.) Sayoko: ::starts to sip the ramen:: (*o.o*) Ken: ^_^ Sayoko: ::starts eating:: (That was--!) Ken: (That was what? ^_^) Sayoko: (!!) Ken: (I'm just playing..) Sayoko: (I know.^^) Ken: ^_^; Sayoko: ::smirks and eats her ramen:: Ken: ::takes the bowl:: ^_^; Sayoko: ::smiles:: Ken: ::puts it in the sink:: Sayoko: ..Aren't you having any? Ken: I'm not that hungry. Sayoko: ...Oh. Ken: ^_^; Sayoko: ::looks embarrassed:: Well...ah... thank you, for the food....and... Ken: You're welcome. ^_^ Sayoko: ^.^ Ken: Anything else? Sayoko: Not particularly. I should probably get going, and let you go back downstairs to your harem... er... customers... Ken: o.o;;; Sayoko: My, you look panicked. Ken: I don't want to go back down there.. Sayoko: So don't, then. Ken: Okay. Sayoko: ::nods, then awkwardly pauses:: Ken: ::tilts his head:: Sayoko: ::silent:: Ken: Nanda? Sayoko: ::shakes her head:: Nothin'. I...ah.. should probably go, hm? Ken: If you want... ^_^; Sayoko: Seems like I'm keeping you from getting something done. ::heads towards the door:: ^.^ Thanks for the ramen, and my shirt... Ken: You're welcome.. thanks for stopping by. ^_^ Sayoko: ::smiles:: See you some other time...? You're always welcome at the dorm. Ken: Aa. ^_^ Sayoko: ::lets herself out:: Doumo again! Ja! Ken: Bai! ::waves, wants to kiss her:: ^_^;; Sayoko: ::closes the door:: Ken: =/ Sayoko: =/ Ken: ::organizes stuff:: {Baka na, Ken. You should have kissed her while you had the chance.} Sayoko: ::heads down, through the mob of the flower shop:: {I've successfully made an idiot out of myself. Woooo for me.} Taya: ::hanging off Aya:: ^.^ School girls: ::trying to attack Taya:: >/ Aya: .... Taya: ^^v Sayoko: ::calls out:: Taya, I'm going--! Taya: Okay! Sayoko: ::pauses:: You're not coming? Taya: I dunno.. depends on if Aya-kun's coming with! Aya: ...... Youji: >/ Taya: ^^ Sayoko: Taya!! Taya: Yesh? Sayoko: Are you coming? Taya: Haaai.. ::sigh:: Aya: ::right before she leaves, squeezes her waist ever-so-slightly:: Ja mata ne. Taya: ^.^! Sayoko: ::obviously didn't notice:: Taya... Taya: Hai, hai, I'm coming! Sayoko: ::pauses rather impatiently:: Taya: ::scurries:: Sayoo: ::walks out with her:: Sorry to be impatient, but those girls make me want to kill something. Taya: I know. Sayoko: ::nods:: So, any luck ::cough:: with Aya-kun? Taya: He squeezed me ^^v Sayoko: ::blinks:: ...? Taya: ^^ Sayoko: ..Okay. Taya: It was a nice squeeze. I don't ask for much more than that. Sayoko: ::raises her eyebrows, obviously doubtful of that last statement:: Taya: I'm taking it slow this time. ^^v Sayoko: ::nods slowly:: Taya: ::beams:: Sayoko: ::smiles at her reaction:: That's cute. Taya: What's cute? Sayoko: You and Aya-kun. And just you, acting like this. Taya: ^.^; Sayoko: ::smiles:: ::continues walking:: ... Taya: :walks with:: Sayoko: ::goes silently up to her dorm room, flops onto the bed:: Taya: Where'd you and Ken Ken go off too? Sayoko: ::muffled:: Nowhere. Taya: Nowhere? Sayoko: His apartment. Taya: WOW Sayoko: ::looks up:: ? Taya: You went to his apartment? (Share the details.) Sayoko: ::rests on the side of her head:: Yeah. (Um...) Taya: Whatcha do? Sayoko: Nothing. Got my shirt back. Ate ramen. Left. Taya: Ate raw men? O.o; (I usually eat my men cooked.) Sayoko: -.-;; Ram-en. Noooodles. Taya: Oh! Sayoko: (I don't need to know these things....) ..Made a fool of myself, thanks for asking. Taya: Mm. Sayoko: ::shifts her head so she's face-down in the bed again:: Taya: Depressed? Sayoko: Only mildly. Hey, you know me. Taya: We all fuck up some time in a relationship. I just do it more often than you. Sayoko: ::mumbles an obscene, not-so nice comment:: Taya: There's no need to be rude. Sayoko: ::grumbles some more:: Taya: Besides, like I said, you're the lucky one. Sayoko: Nnn. Taya: ::sighs:: Sayoko: ::closes her eyes, sighs and mumbles:: He just kept looking at me all weird.. Taya: All weird? Sayoko: Weird.... you know... ::looks up and trys to do an impression on Ken's look:: Taya: ::confused:: Sayoko: ::tries a little harder to do Ken's parting look:: Taya: ::starts to laugh:: Sayoko: ::stops, puts her head back down on her bed:: What?? Taya: That's the "I-want-to-kiss-you-but-I'm-too-shy" look. Sayoko: ::rolls her eyes:: Yeah, sure. -.-; Taya: Hontou ni! I know these things! Sayoko: ::looks up a little:: I think it was more of a "get-this-psycho-out-of-my-house-kindly" look. Taya: No. (I've seen that look.) Sayoko: Nn. (Nn.) Taya: (Yeah. Never sleep with married men.) Sayoko: (N--What??) Taya: (Trust me.) Sayoko: (Okay.) Taya: Oi, cheer up. If he's the great guy I think he is, he'll still come back. Sayoko: Yeah, right. ::puts a pillow over her head:: Taya: =p And if all else fails, that Omi looks a lot like him- Sayoko: O.o That...kid?! Taya: He's got some growing to do... but he'll be real hot when he's all done. Sayoko: ::looks at her a little strangely:: Taya: ^^ Sayoko: Well, I don't think I'll be over there much to see any of them, thanks. Taya: Mm. Sayoko: ::sighs:: (owari part seven)