PART 8: VISITING FRIENDS by Kaede and Sensuha :: :: mean actions { } means thoughts ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Setting: Taya and Sayoko's apartment/dorm room.. place. Taya: ::stretching:: Sayoko: ::still lying face down on her bed; has fallen asleep:: Taya: kawai sou ni. Sayoko: ::shifts at the sound of a voice:: Taya: ::finishes stretching:: I wonder if Aya-kun's up. ::climbs out the window:: ^^ Sayoko: ::looks up, dazed; watches her climb out the window:: ...... {No more weird tea before bedtime.} Setting: In the hallway of the Weiss members' apartment building, some time later Taya: ::knocks on an apartment door that's.. not.. Aya's:: Youji: ::comes to the door, much to the protest of someone inside, with his shirt unbuttoned:: Taya: ::trying to peer in through the peep hole:: Youji: ::opens the door:: Taya- Taya: Yotan- Person inside: You-chan, who's that? Taya: o.o; I... Sorry for interrupting. Youji: ::cooly:: It's not a good time. Taya: I wasn't even coming to see you. ::hotly:: Where's Aya's apartment? Youji: ::points coolly:: Down the hall. ::closes the door:: {$*&#.} Taya: ::closes her eyes, on the verge of tears:: I HOPE YOUR PENIS FALLS OFF, AHOU!! ::kicks his door:: >/!!! Youji: ::from inside:: O.o! Aya: ::opens his door, silently wondering what the hell is going on:: Taya: ::bursts into tears, crumpling to the ground in front of Youji's door:: Aya: .... Youji: ::returns to... previous activities:: Taya: ::kicks the door some more:: I HOPE YOU GET A REALLY REALLY BAD STD!! Aya: ....Realize you may be disturbing other residents. Taya: ::stops:: ;.; Aya: ::nods:: (Ken: ~.~ ::writes on a stickie note:: Remind Sayoko that her roommate needs to stop screaming at... ::peers at the clock:: very early hours. ::looks at the clock again, writes on another note:: Remind self to get a new clock.) Taya: ::in tears:: Aya: .... Come inside. Taya: ::nods tearfully, getting up, sniffling into her sleeve:: Aya: ::waits, holding the door open:: Taya: ::goes inside:: ;.; Aya: ::sits down at the table, motions for her to do so also:: Taya: ::sits too, head bowed:: sorry for causing a commotion.. you were prolly sleepin'... Aya: ::blinks once, subtly:: Actually, I was, thank you. Taya: ::pang:: gomen nasai... Aya: It's all right. I had to wake up anyway. Taya: i came over to see you.. an' i found youji ::not saying the pet name:: instead. Aya: ::nods, notices the change:: Taya: ::sniffles:: gomen nasai.. i should go home instead of bothering you. Aya: It's all right. Taya: really? Aya: ::nods:: Taya: thank you... d'you have a couch, or somethin' i can rest on..? Aya: ::looks mildly suspicious, but silently points:: Taya: arigatou... ::trudges to the couch, curling up:: Aya: ::just sits there, watching her:: Taya: ::closes her eyes, hiccupping softly:: Aya: ::just...sits there:: Setting: Morning, in Aya's apartment Taya: ::wakes up, on an unfamiliar couch:: e.e;; o-kay. Aya: ::down in the flower shop, left a note on the table:: Taya: ::gets up:: well, i'm not naked, that's a good thing... ::sees the note:: nani? e.e Note: "Down in the shop. The door will lock behind you. I hope you are feeling better." Taya: ::smiles sadly:: Note: ::sits there on the table:: Taya: .... I wonder what's in his refrigerator. Aya: ::down in the flower shop:: .... Taya: ::searches through his refrigerator:: No... no... no... ew, what's acerola? ::searchsearch:: Ken: Oi, Aya-kun, I'll take over your shift. Aya: ::nods:: ::heads up to his apartment:: Taya: ::has found his bedroom, is jumping on the bed:: =D Aya: ::opens the door, hears a squeaking sound:: ....? Taya: ::jumping, then hides under the covers:: >) Aya: ::walks in his apartment, on guard, quietly checking each room:: Taya: ::yawns:: Aya: ::steps inside the bedroom, hears a sound:: ..... Taya: ::about to fall asleep again:: Aya: ::notices the lump in his bed:: ..Dare da? Taya: aa? watashi... ::sits up:: Your bed is very bouncy... have you ever jumped on it? Aya:: ...... ::essentially shocked into silence:: Taya: ^^ Aya: ....::turns and leaves:: Taya: A-aya-kun..!! Aya: ::sitting on his couch:: Taya: ::peeks in:: what did I do..? Aya: ::silent:: Taya: Aya-kun... Aya: ::looks at the door pointedly, remains silent:: Taya: ... i'll go. i was just having a little fun. get genki, you idiot. or your life is going to just go straight down the drain. Aya: ::silent, but looking mildly contemplative:: Taya: i'm just trying to keep mine from doing that. it's already started, i'm just tryin' to stay alive. that's all. ::pushes the door open:: Aya: ::watches her go:: Taya: ::closes it behind her:: .... {Oh yeah.} ::uses her key to open Youji's door, throws a few rotten eggs in:: ^.^v ::skips off:: Aya: .... Taya: (Never mess with me!) ::skippidy woo:: Aya: {@#$%.} (owari part eight)