ONCE ON THIS ISLAND, WEISS ROSE STYLE: CASTING by Kaede and Sensuha This one needs a serious amount of explanation. Kaede and I (Sensuha) were both very involved in our school's recent production of "Once On This Island" (a musical by Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty); Kaede designed the masks, and I designed the set. As a result of working and being in the theatre during production so much, we essentially know this show inside and out...give us any line from anywhere, and we can pick it up and basically do the rest of the show from there (yes, sad, we know). One day, while RPing, we decided that doing a Weiss version of this show would be incredibly funny. Due to lack of people, we also ended up adding in RK (Rurouni Kenshin, another anime) characters. This whole thing will make much more sense if you're familiar with both animes and OOTI ("Once On This Island"), but it ought to be okay if you don't. This part is us casting the show. We may or may not do more later, with rehearsal and such. Anyway, on to a little show info... OOTI CHARACTERS: TiMoune- The lead, she's a girl who is orphaned in a storm. A peasant couple find her and take her in. She falls in love with Daniel, a member of the upper class. Her solo is "Waiting for Life". Little TiMoune- The little girl this whole story is told to (the entire story is essentially a story within a story), and is the version of TiMoune rescued from the flood. Daniel- A member of the upper class, he's rich and lives in the city. He is betrothed to Andrea. His solo is "Some Girls". Andrea- Daniel's betrothed (their parents are "old friends"). High society girl, looks down on TiMoune for being a peasant. Armand- Daniel's father, he represents all of the high society values, and tells Daniel he must do what is expected of him, no matter how he feels. Mama Euralie- TiMoune's adopted mother. Ton Ton Julien- TiMoune's adopted father. Asaka- "Mother of the Earth". One of the gods TiMoune interacts with, she's essentially the goddess of the Earth. She has a very all-loving, all-giving personality and presence. Her solo song is "Mama Will Provide." Agwe- "God of Water". He controls (and *is*) the ocean; it's him that creates storms, hurricanes and floods. His song is "Rain". Erzulie- "Beautiful Goddess of Love". She's the goddess of romantic love (like Aphrodite or Venus), not sexual love, really. Her song is "Human Heart". Papa Ge- "Sly demon of Death". He's the God of Death; when he takes you, that is your death. However, there is also a very sexual element to him; he's very sexy and almost slinky. (He's the sex symbol of the show). He is many people's stereotypical image of Death; he has the skeleton face and wears a top hat. He doesn't precisely have a solo song, but has major parts in "Forever Yours" and its reprise. BASIC PLOT: TiMoune is a young girl orphaned by a flood. Two peasants, Mama and Ton Ton, find her in a tree after the storm, and take her in. She grows up, convinced that the Gods saved her from that flood because they had something special in mind for her. She expresses the desire for something to happen to her, and the Gods get together and plot. They have a little dispute as to which is stronger, love or death. They decide to use TiMoune to settle the question. Agwe creates a storm, and a rich boy, Daniel, is caught in it while driving down the beach. He crashes his car, and TiMoune finds him and cares for him. In her long vigil, Papa Ge comes to take him, but she trades her life for his, letting him live, and giving Papa Ge possession of her soul. Daniel goes back to city, and TiMoune decides to follow him, leaving behind her family, and all that she knows. She reaches him and they enjoy a period of happiness (as lovers) while he finishes recovering from his injuries. TiMoune and he go to a ball, where everyone, including Andrea is there. Daniel then tells TiMoune that he is sorry, but he is going to marry Andrea because it's "the way things are done". TiMoune is devastated, and Papa Ge appears to her, offering her the chance to kill Daniel and reclaim her own soul, proving death stronger than love. TiMoune considers, but refuses, because she loves Daniel too much to kill him. She is cast out of the Hotel (where Daniel is staying), and waits outside the gates for her beloved, not eating or sleeping, for two weeks. Daniel and Andrea finally marry, and upon seeing them at the gates, and having Daniel acknowledge her only as a faceless peasant, TiMoune lies down and dies. The gods, touched by this tragic girl who proved love stronger than death, transform her into a tree. This tree cracks the gates of the hotel so they can never close (and keep people out) again, and it shelters Daniel and his children, standing up as a symbol of the love and strength TiMoune embodied and represented. We really, *really* recommend *everyone* go and see this show, and get the soundtrack. It's incredible.^^ And now, finally, to the story. :: :: mean actions { } means thoughts ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Setting: Some theatre, somewhere. Sensuha: All right, we need to get this thing cast... (I already designed the set...^^) Kaede: Right... And I'll need to strap in the gods.. Sensuha: ..Strap? Kaede: So I can make the masks. Sensuha: (Handcuffs work too, you know.) Hey, I plan to enslave...er... *borrow* them for my set. Kaede: Yes yes. So.. first, let's get the auditions over with. Sensuha: Okay. ::goes to sit in the middle of the theatre:: Kaede: ::goes too:: Youji: ::walks onto the center of the stage:: Sex and death. Thank you. ::walks off:: Sensuha: (...Weren't we auditioning Daniel?) Kaede: (I dunno. He gets bonus points for being sexy. ::puts it down on her clipboard::) Sensuha: (::sighs::) Neeext. Omi: ::peeks in:: Anou.. anou.. anou... Ken: ::pushes Omi onstage:: Kaede: (Whaddaya think, Little Ti Moune?) Sensuha: ::scribbles down stuff about Youji:: (Hmmmmmm... >D) Omi: ::stands onstage:: o.o? Sensuha: ::points to a table:: There's a script on there. Read the prologue, please. Omi: "In darkness, we hear"-- Oh.. um.. "There is an island where rivers run deep." Sensuha: ::scribbles:: Kaede: ::doodling:: Sensuha: ::elbows her:: !! Kaede: o.o? Sensuha: ::points to Omi:: >/ Kaede: ::goes to the piano:: Okay, I'm going to teach you a song.. it's on page 38... Sensuha: ::moves up to the front row to listen:: Omi: ::stares:: Um.. okay... Kaede: ::plays:: Omi: ::sings:: Sensuha: ::takes notes, noting where he's off and on pitch:: Kaede: Okay, sankyuu, it'll be on the voicemail.. Sensuha: ::nods:: Next, please! Aya: ~.~ Sensuha: ::grins:: Please turn to the third marked tab.. thank you. Line 15. Aya: ... ::raises an eyebrow:: Sensuha: ::glares at him:: *Read*. Aya: ~.~ This boy is mine.. I am his dying breath. Sure as the grave, you must accept what is. Now your life is forever mine. ~.~ Kaede: (He'd look good in the tuxedo coat...) Sensuha: ::writes:: "Lacks enthusiam, expression. Hair would look kick-ass with a skeleton face." Kaede: Next! Ken: ::has a soccer ball:: Sorry, I just came from playing.. Sensuha: *.* I'll take that, thanks. Kaede: o.o? Okay... I'll take over again.. ::changes the page:: Where it's marked... "Rain", please. Sensuha: ::puts it on the seat:: ^.^ Ken: ::sings:: Sensuha: ^.^! <3 Kaede: Sankyuu... Sensuha: ::nodnod:: Ken: Arigatou gozaimasu! ::big grin:: Sensuha: *.* ::nodnod:: Thank you..... Ken: ::picks up the soccer ball:: Sensuha: ::watches him go offstage:: Kaede: ::comes back:: So, whatcha think? Sensuha: Hmmmm.... I think that either Aya or Youji for Papa Ge. Ken for Awge.... Kaede: Youji'd be a good Papa Ge... Aya could pass for Daniel. (He lies onstage most of the time..) Sensuha: Somehow, I can't see him loving Ti Moune like Daniel does.... (Can you imagine Aya singing "Some Girls"?) Kaede: (Yes.) But does Daniel really love Ti Moune..? And what'll we do with Omi? Sensuha: (I sure as hell can't.) I think he does, in his own way. He's still a prick, though. Kaede: Hmm.. Maybe Youji for Daniel.. Sensuha: I think he'd pull it off better. Kaede: Yeah. And Aya for Papa Ge? Sensuha: His hair and the mask....^^ Kaede: ^.^ But Omi..? Sensuha: There... lies a problem. If he's Ti Moune, he has to sleep with Youji..... Kaede: NO YAOI. Sensuha: That's out, then. ::makes an x on her paper:: He could be.. Ton Ton, I guess... Kaede: Voice is too high. Too young looking for Asaka.. Sensuha: Yeah... and Erzulie? Kaede: He did a good job with Human Heart.. Sensuha: He did... ::pictures Omi singing over a sleeping Daniel and Ti Moune:: .... Kaede: It could work. If we stuff his costume.. Sensuha: O.o; Kaede: ... Or not. Sensuha: What if he was a... male goddess? ^^; Like Eros. Kaede: But then what would we say in the prologue? "Erzulie, Manly God of Love"? Sensuha: ...Non-confrontational? Friendly? Cheerful? Under-age? Kaede: ::shakes her head:: Sensuha: Um.... kind? Kaede: Maybe.. but it doesn't have the same ring to it. Sensuha: ::winces:: ..Sexy? Kaede: That's Aya's job. Sensuha: I guess so. ::sighs:: Kaede: Hmmm.. Sensuha: Little Ti Moune..? Kaede: We could leave it at beautiful.. he's got that bishonen thing going on.. Who'd we get to be Big Ti Moune? Sensuha: Omi...? O.o I...don't know. Kaede: Hmmm.. We could just leave it at beautiful. Sensuha: "Beautiful god of love" sounds... a little gay. Kaede: ~.~ Sensuha: Sorry.... Kaede: I know... hmm.. Handsome? Kawaii? Sensuha: Kakoii? Kaede: Maybe... Sensuha: (Except he's not, really.) Kaede: Hmm.. Sensuha: We'll come back to that. ^^; Kaede: Yes... I was thinking that girl we saw yesterday for Asaka... you know, Megumi? Sensuha: ::sighs:: I don't know.... she doesn't quite portray that all-loving and giving attitude... Kaede: Hmm... But Asaka's not all-loving.. she wants to hit Ti Moune with a mango! Sensuha: For her own good... Kaede: That's true... Sensuha: Could that Megumi girl sing? Kaede: Yeah, as long as she doesn't sing with that Sanosuke-guy. Sensuha: ::nods, flips back to her notes:: I had her hypothetically cast as... ::reads:: ...Erzulie. Kaede: Hm. Sensuha: Any more Asaka ideas? Kaede: Not really... Sensuha: Hmmmm... Kaede: What do you think? Sensuha: I think casting is screwed. Who's Ti Moune?? Taya: Me! ^^v Sensuha: (...You just want to sleep with Youji-kun.) Taya: (You bet! And I'll get Papa Ge too!) Sensuha: (-.-;) Fine. ::checks off:: Timoune, check. Omi as Young Ti Moune. We still need... Asaka, Mama and Ton Ton. Kaede: Hmm. Manx as Asaka? Sensuha: ...Yes! Kaede: ^.^! (owari for now… to be continued… maybe…) Disclaimer: Oops, almost forgot this. We don't own Weiss, or "Once On This Island" and we're making no money off of this. Thanks~!