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Our Support!
Our Callers: -
Richard R. Brewer & Bob Miller
Our caller, Richard Brewer!Our caller, Bob Miller!Our callers have big shoes to fill.  Their jobs are to make the drill or square dance come together with a perfect beat and call.  It isn't an easy job getting eight women riders all headed in the same physical and mental direction.  The team trusts them to put their horses and beings in the right places at the right time...without a hitch!  Amazingly, they do it while simultaneously keeping the crowd entertained and responsive!
These are the people that pull the team together.  They are the husbands, significant others, our kids, and anyone else willing to give the time to fulfill our ambitions.  They support not only us but the entire team!  It takes them all or our success would not have been possible.  They set spots,  check and adjust anything and everything we ask for.  Sometimes, they encourage and caress our egos. They are the glue that binds us. We are thankful they are there with us. 

Gossips' Officers and Chairpersons:
Marie Deyesso
Assistant Director
Linda Cass
Karen Reed
Linda Cass
Web Site & Publicity Chair
Sherry O'Malley
Sound Engineer
Robin McMilian
Arena Engineer
Debby Ram
Our Sincere Thanks To...
Art Valencia John Baker Mike Swarthout Shavaun O'Malley
Arnie Heiny Hank Gorham Matt McNair Ryan Reyes
Tyler Smith Robert Greene Chelsea McNair Wilma Malone
Chester Malone Scott McNair Molly Breser Tom McMillian
Allison McMillian
Some of the Wranglers!

Art Valencia
Mike Swarthout
Hank Gorham
Robert Greene