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Sea Life

Cheerios Octopus

Cut out a shape of an octopus with eight arms from construction paper.Have the children glue cheerios onto the eight arms to resemble the "suckers" on their arms.

Rainbow Fish

Have the children color fish by using crayons on a hot plate.Place a fish shaped piece of copy paper onto a hot plate and let the children use different colored crayons on the paper to create a "Rainbow Fish".As the children color with the crayons, the crayons will melt and create a beautiful effect.(teachers need to supervise this activity very closely so that the children don't burn themselves!)

Jelly Fish

Cut out a jelly fish shape out of lamination paper. Let the children paint the jellyfish with glue and paint mixed together to create a shiny effect. These look very cute hanging from the ceiling.

Oyster Shell with Pearl

Cut out a folded oyster shape that opens and closes out of wallpaper or pastel colored construction paper. Have children glue a piece of cotton into the middle of the oyster shell. Then have them glue a (costume jewely) pearl onto the piece of cotton and then close the top half of the paper over the pearl. The oyster can open and close to expose the "pearl". Very cute and the children enjoy learning about where pearls come from.


Cut out a starfish shape out of tan colored construction paper. Have the children cover the star shape with glue and then dip the starfish shape into bird seed. These look so real bumpy starfish!

Jello Aquariums Need: blue jello, clear plastic cups, shark bites gummies. Make jello as directed, pour into clear cups to cool. When chilled and ready to serve, give each child a few fish/sharks, and let them push their ocean friends into their "aquarium".

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