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hwforkids Home Learning numbersExercises Addition&SubtractionExercises Multiplication&DivisionExercises
FractionExercises Powers, percentage&ratioExercises TimeExercises MeasurementsExercises
Set theory Perimeter,area&volumeExercises IntegersExercises Equations&ExpressionsExercises
Decimal Exercises
* indicates that the particular page will give new set of exercises each time you reload or access the page.
w/a indicates the page with answers.
Level 1:
Exercise 1: Pages 1    2    3 INTRODUCTION to decimals, write in expanded form and decimal form, ...
*Pages 2 and 3
Exercise 2: Pages 1    2    3 Writing fraction in decimal form and vice versa, ARRANGE in orders...
*Pages 1, 2 and 3
Exercise 3: Pages 1    2w/a    3w/a Rounding and ADDITION of decimals...
*Pages 1, 2 and 3
Exercise 4: Pages 1w/a    2w/a    SUBTRACTION of decimals, combined addition and subtraction...
*Pages 1 and 2
Exercise 5: Pages 1    WORD problems in addition and subtraction of decimals...
*Pages 1
Level 2:
Revision: Pages 1 ARRANGE in orders...
*Pages 1

Exercise 6: Pages 1w/a    2w/a    3w/a REVIEW of level 1 exercises, MULTIPLICATION and division of decimals by 10s, 100s and Powers of 10...
*Pages 1, 2 and 3
Exercise 7: Pages 1w/a   2w/a   3   4 Multiplication of whole numbers by decimals and WORD problems...
*Pages 1, 2, 3 and 4
Exercise 8: Pages 1w/a    2 Multiplication of two decimals and WORD problems...
*Pages 1 and 2
Level 3:
Exercise 9: Pages 1    2    3 DIVISION of decimals by whole numbers and with zeros in quotient and dividend...
*Pages 1, 2 and 3
Exercise 10: Pages 1    2 DIVISION of decimals by whole numbers - WORD problems...
*Pages 1 and 2
Exercise 11: Pages 1w/a    2w/a DIVISION of decimals by decimals...
*Pages 1 and 2

hwforkids Home Learning numbersExercises Addition&SubtractionExercises Multiplication&DivisionExercises
FractionExercises Powers, percentage&ratioExercises TimeExercises MeasurementsExercises
Set theory Perimeter,area&volumeExercises IntegersExercises Equations&ExpressionsExercises