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Statues of Light
Cary Pierce

In this city I'm alone
But I know she's here somewhere
Statues of Light
A sea of yellow, black, and green
I watch from the Tower
- Cary Pierce "Tower"

Yes, that is Cary on the left, making the funny face, and that is Matt sticking out his tongue

Cary Pierce was one of the founding members of JACKOPIERCE with Jack O'Neill. They started out like Vertical Horizon (more correctly, VH started out like JP, since JP started a few years before VH did), by playing to small crowds and building a grassroots following. JP broke up in late '97, after having been a group for about 10 years. They toured all over the world, and released 6 cds (all of which I own :). Since then, Cary has started a solo project. His album "You Are Here" is not quite like anything JP did, but it's good. One special thing about him is that you can email him from his website, which I did, and I received a response. When I got it I think I was pretty shocked, I mean, he's not a unknown singer, and he responded to my email :) He just opened for Pat McGee Band on May 7th at Irving Plaza (why, oh why don't I live in NY?) and was very well received from what I can tell.
