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All About the Passion - My Favorites
My Favorite Things

There are tons of things that I like. I love reading, and hanging out with friends, watching movies, spending time thinking, doing nothing, listening to music (hopefully you figured this out from my front page :), chatting online, swimming, water polo . . . the list goes on and on. Here's a list of some of the things that I like in some of those categories.

Favorite Books
Winter's Tale - Mark Helprin
Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare (as well as almost any other work of his :)
The Harry Potter series - JK Randall (I know, they're kids books, but they are FUN to read!)
anything by Michael Crichton
but I will read almost anything I can get my hands on. It's been that way since I taught myself how to read when I was 3-4.