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Places We've Been

When I got my car last Thanksgiving, my friends and I decided that we would have to start going places. We took a trip to the Jelly Belly factory, we went to see a few various concerts, and we will continue to go places, I am sure. We will keep documenting them and I will share the pics on my website :) Hope you enjoy the pics!

The Jelly Belly Factory

On one of the three day weekends in January we took a trip to the Jelly Belly factory in Vacaville. It was a lot of fun. They have a guided tour throughout the factory, at the end of which you get a free sample bag of jelly beans. Then you can get 2 lb bags of "Belly Flops" at the store. They're good until you realize that there are mostly 5 flavors in there, and they aren't even the good ones normally. But you can't beat the price. The first bag is $5, and the second one is $0.01. In my apartment alone we had 8 lbs of Jelly Belly Flops. There are still some left :)


After the Jelly Belly Factory, we were famished (and wanting more than nearly pure sugar) so we hit Chili's on the way home. I may put some more pictures up later from this leg of the trip, since there are some funny ones. But for the time being, this is is. Sky was taking the photo; we didn't get any of all five of us when we were at the restaurant.


Here's the picture from the Pat McGee Band concert. If you want the story of the concert, click here. Other than that . . . there's not much to tell. This was after meeting the band, on our way out. It was more than a concert. The radio station that sponsored the event had the ferris wheel there, as well as tons of booths for various things. There were cellular phone companies there, and lots of other things, but I pretty much had a one track mind and didn't notice what else was going on. The Bay Bridge is right behind the ferris wheel, and it shows just how close to everything this concert was.