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Heartbeats and Hellos Let's see, what have I done? Well, pretty much everything under the sun in high school. College takes a lot more effort, and so do my friendships (let's just say that I did everything in high school but have a real group of friends, sure I had SOME friends, but no one I have really kept in touch with lately).

Freshmen Year (1994-1995)
Junior Varsity Water Polo, sprinter/trailer
Varsity Swim, most improved
Senate, Senator Waugh of Wyoming

Sophomore Year (1995-1996)
Varsity Water Polo, on the guys team, only girl
Featured in an article on girls in "guys" sports
Varsity Swim, captain
Senate, co-chairman of the Winter Formal
Yearbook, copy editor

Junior Year (1996-1997)
Varsity Womens Water Polo, captain, sprinter, utility player, & defensive MVP
Varsity Swim, MVP & captain
Prom Committee
Girls State representative
Yearbook, copy editor
Volunteer at Ram Camp, a sports camp for kids

Senior Year (1997-1998)
Varsity Womens Water Polo, captain (maddening story here, I'll tell it sometime on here)
Varsity Swim, (another really awful story, which will also eventually be explained here)
Yearbook, co-editor-in-chief, copy editor
Recognized by the city and county of Fresno for National Girls and Women in Sports Day - I got certificates from both
Junior League Senior Girl Athlete recipient - I also received recognition from the state, county, and city for this award.

And all of this while maintaining a 3.89 GPA (or something near that, I think slightly higher)!