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The Ballet Recital

Believe it or not, I was your typical little girl. I did ballet when I was younger, but my life as a ballerina was cut short. This is that story (I kid you not, I really did this):

I was about 3 or 4 (no one can remember) and it was my first recital ever. For some reason, I decided that I didn't like ballet, and I didn't want to perform. I was unable to express this to my parents though, so I was dragged to the recital (probably kicking and screaming . . . my mom and dad won't tell me, but I get the impression that I most likely was).

So we got to the ballet school and I was left backstage while my parents went out to the front to find seats to watch. I think this is probably when I hatched my great plan.

When it was time for my class to go out on stage I walked out with them, in line, but once we were on stage I walked to the front of the stage, turned my back to the audience, and bent over to watch the audience from between my legs for the duration of our dance.

I was removed from ballet the next day . . . and thus ended my stint as a ballerina.