my survey as of August 10, 2000

That's me on the right, with Michele and my dog, Bradley (remember this, you will be tested on it)

the you side

Full Name: Mikayla Simone Waugh

Birthday: November 4, 1979

Age: 20

My zodiac sign: Scorpio

Height: 5'5" or 5'6", depending on the day :)

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown, with bleached highlights

Are you a righty or a lefty or ambidextrous? Righty

Current Location: Davis, California

Places I've lived: Fresno, CA; Shaver Lake, CA; Davis, CA

Nicknames: Mik, Kayla, nerd, geek, dork . . .

Favorite Movie You've Seen: The Princess Bride, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Contact, Ever After, Shakespeare in Love, Much Ado About Nothing, and I'm sure that I'm missing some too.

Croutons or Bacon Bits? Croutons on salad, bacon bits on baked potatoes :) easy

Favorite Salad Dressing: Girard's Original, in fact, I spent almost a year looking for it in Davis, finally found it :) That's the best dressing you can buy!

Favorite ice cream: Mint Chocolate Chip or Mint Chocolate Cookie

Favorite subject in school: So far I've loved Intro to Cell and Molecular Bio, Cultural and Biological Anthropology, and English (Shakespeare)

Least Favorite: The entire general chemisty series. And ANYTHING calculus. That subject is the bane of my existence!

Favorite Thing to Drink: Coke, Cherry Coke, Wild Cherry Pepsi, apfelsaftschoerle (a drink common in Europe made with juice, in this case apple, and either sparkling mineral water or 7-Up), chocolate milk, Kool Aid, water (not Davis water, it's got to be purified)

Shampoo or Condtioner? Both, Herbal Essences

Favorite Thing to do on the Weekend: Hang out with my friends

Favorite Color: Blue, Green, Purple, but I also like almost all colors except brown and orange

Pets: At home we have a mutt named Bradley, his pic is up somewhere on my site . . . can you find it?

Hobbies: Reading, chatting online and in person, listening to music (hopefully you figured that out already),

Words or Phrases that you overuse: "Oh, shush," "hmmmmm," "grrrrr," "argh," "uh huh," "I want a dog!," and I talk to myself on much too regular a basis

Toothpaste: Crest Multi-Care

Favorite Food: Something not prepared by me

Bed Time: A notion that's very uncommon around colleges

Favorite sport: Water Polo and swimming!

What's your favorite holiday: I don't really have one. I guess one that I don't have to work on (I've worked summer holidays at a vacation destination, and it's INSANE!

Least Favorite Holiday: Ummmmm . . . any holiday is good :) The ones with midterms aren't as fun, but hey, it's a holiday all the same!

the crush side

Do you have a crush? no, and I realized that I haven't had one in a REALLY long time either . . . try about a year

Do you have a Boyfriend/Girlfriend? nope

If you could go out with anyone in the world, who? Not a clue

For girls - like guys with or without hats? Eh, it doesn't really matter. As long as the hat's not dirty or anything

For guys - Like girls with or without nail polish? N/A

When you meet a person of your preferred sex, you first notice their: The eyes, smile, arms

Who was your first crush? Do I remember things from that long ago? answer: no

Have you ever been in love? That's a negative

Would you take advantage of the guy/girl you like if he/she wasn't sober: No way.

Would you give your virginity to your crush? If they were only my crush? Nope.

the past side

Most Humiliating Moment: I don't even know . . .

What do you remember most about this year? Discovering my love for music, the party that we got together for Anne in about 2 hours, and all the decorations, driving down a street that I'm not supposed to drive down on my way to my first concert, my first concert (Vertical Horizon, Guster, and Stroke 9), meeting bands, developing a lot of great friends online and offline, finishing gen chem :)

Memory (thing) you miss the most: I really miss my dog when I'm gone from home

What's the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning? I don't *really* need to go to class today . . . (side note: I went anyway)

Does it make you sad to know that you can never go back in time? No, high school, and things leading up to college weren't exactly great for me socially. I miss swimming, but I don't miss a lot of things too.

If you could go back in time would you? Would I be able to return to today?

the future side

Where do you see yourself in 10 Years? Happy, healthy, and doing something that I love :) (don't know what yet)

Future Son names: No idea, who said that I was going to have a son?

Future Daughter names: Ditto

If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be? Nobel Prize winning researcher in cellular biology

What is your dream car? I'd love to have a new convertable blue bug with four wheel drive and waves on the sides :)

Future school: Right now I'd like to go to grad school at Dartmouth. That may not pan out, or I may change my mind, but I know that I would like to go somewhere on the East Coast (preferably New England) because I would like to see what it's like to live in other parts of the country.

Where do you plan on living after getting out of school? That depends entirely on where I go to grad school

What age do you want to get married? Not before I'm 26 or 27, there are a lot of things that I want to do before that

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Yup, more than one, actually. I have my unicorn named "Uni" (I got him when I was born), a Pooh Bear that my mom gave me, a little bunny that I got for Christmas last year, and a black dog (kinda reminds me of Brad) named Lark.

What do you wear to bed? Flannel boxers and a tank top in the summer, flannel pants and a t-shirt in the winter

Most romantic thing that ever happened to you: . . .

If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be? I'm not about to get one, but I guess it would be something on the inside of one of my ankles

the feelings side

Worst feeling in the world: Helplessness or feeling unloved

Best feeling in the world: Being completely happy. It happens at random times, with or without people around, I'm not sure what brings it on, but it's wonderful :)

One thing you want to change about yourself: I wish that I wasn't so hard on myself sometimes

the left over crazy side

What's on your mouse pad? THE mouse (aka Mickey)

Which do you prefer, mud wrestling or Jell-O wrestling? Why isn't neither an option here?

What is the best number in the world? 13!!

Would you rather give or receive: give, it's so nice to see someones face light up

One pillow or two? Three, actually, two down, and a reading pillow

Favorite town to chill: Hmmmm, there are none that I've "chilled" in that have been especially great. Shaver's a nice place because of the lake, but the town could be better. Davis is cool because that's where most of my friends are, but it gets boring too.

What's the first thing you'd do if you won the lottery? I really don't know.

Something you'd like to try? I've now been rock climbing so I can't say that anymore, but it was a blast. I'd like to travel through Europe, and most of the world, as well, seeing the sights, and seeing how other people live

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