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Pat McGee Band
In this moment I, I will find
In this crowded house you are mine
In this moment I, I will see
Think once for yourself and not,
Not for me, not for me
- Pat McGee "Minute"

info and stuff on Pat McGee Band to come. including the story of the concert this weekend :) I can hardly wait! Ok, the concert was simply amazing, and getting to meet John, Chardy, and Pat was beyond awesome. When I get more time, I will put the story about the concert. Unfortunately I have three million things to do this week, and only time to do one million . . . if someone knows some way to stop time so that I can have more time, please let me know :) I really need to learn that trick.


  • From the Wood (1995) - Solo release from Pat McGee, before he got together with the other members of the band.
  • Revel (1997) - The entire PMB as we know it today worked on this record.
  • General Admission (1999) - Live cd, taped in Washington DC and . . .
  • Shine (2000) - Awesome cd, if you don't have this, and you are looking at my page because you like another band that I have listed, CHECK IT OUT! Seriously . . . I don't know their other cds very well yet (that's coming, I just wanted to know Shine because I was pretty sure they would be touring mostly for that when I saw them).