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August 25, 2000

Marisa, you love me. I put up pics of CG. Finally, I know . . . I hope that everyone enjoys them! I'm sorry about the delay in everything everyone, but I've been otherwise occupied lately. I've been updating my journal nearly every day tho, so if you're interested in the person who "operates" this site, check it out. I did finally convert it to diaryland, but there are a few things about that site that I don't care for (I can't make just one entry private, either the whole thing is or nothing is . . . ) so I'm on the lookout for another site. Maybe if stays up (I've been checking the site occasionally) I'll transfer all of my stuff back there. Who knows. I'll keep the links updated no matter what I do tho, so if you want to read it, knock yourself out :)

August 10, 2000

Ok, I've had quite a few people ask me why I have so little about myself on here. The truth is, I don't think I am the most interesting person on the planet, so I've not done anything on the site really about me. Besides, what I have done for everything else shows a lot about me, I think. But due to the requests, I added in a survey that I took and wrote up two stories about things that I did. All of this is on the "It's Only Me" page. I also changed the picture at the top of the "my friends" page to one that shows my closest friends (and it's a REALLY good picture!). I can't remember if I did anything else tonight. I'm probably going to move my "journal" over to a different server, since has been down more since I started keeping it there than it's been working. But that will come at a later date. And I'll just change the link anyway, so you don't need to worry about anything, if you are reading those "fragments of my head."

August 6, 2000

Wow, I've been a slacker on my site lately. Sorry about that. I really did think that I would work on it this past weekend, but I haven't been able to for some reason (I was just too lazy to actually get myself to work on it). I will get some more pics for Chasing Gray up, soon, I promise! I'm actually still trying to figure out the best way to do that (thumbnails, I know, but I think I should figure out how to use tables for organizing the thumbnails, which requires research on my part).

July 29, 2000

Added in a list of most of the cds that I own. I probably missed a few. The link is on the "It's Only Me" page. It was a pain in the butt to do, I hadn't realized just how many cds I really have! I'm glad that I won't have to go through and re-enter them again . . . because I don't think that I would now.

July 28, 2000

Started a "journal" for random thoughts that I have. I'm going to try to stick with it, but I have a bad track record with things like that. If you are curious about the "fragments of my head" click here

July 22, 2000

Sorry the updates have been slow the past week . . . O Chem is starting to take it's toll on what I've been doing on my website. At any rate, I added some info to the Chasing Gray page, and I will be adding more pics to that page soon.

July 13, 2000

Changed my guestbook to a dreambook. For some reason my guestbook wasn't opening up, so I decided that now was a good time to change it. So, if you already signed my original guestbook, please check this one out and sign it :)

July 12, 2000

Put up pictures that a friend took for me at the Chasing Gray show at the Wetlands last weekend. She said that she would write up a concert report like I do and let me share it on here, so be looking for that in the near future :) Colleen also said that her friend grabbed the setlist, so she is going to try and get the songs from her and let me share those as well. I'd like to keep doing that.

July 11, 2000

Ok, I changed the name of the site, again. It's back to Heartbeats and Hellos. I did this because as much as I like Pat McGee Band, they don't hold a candle to the guys in VH in my eyes (yes, this has everything to do with the music video shoot), and so I wanted to name the site after them. Somehow the name doesn't resonate with me very well tho, but I have been through all the songs (unreleased too) and I haven't really come up with anything. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. I also signed up to be part of the VH webring, but I need one of the people in the webring to add me now, so I'm going to tackle that next. Is there at PMB webring? I wonder, I'll have to look in to that. Anyway, that's the update. More to come later :)

July 9, 2000

Added more to the shoot story. I remembered some things that I talked to the guys about, so I put those in there. Thanks to everyone who visits my site. I'm trying to figure out how I have nearly 550 visits, and it's just amazing . . . thanks! I can't believe that, I mean, this is just a fan site, but it seems to be getting around. Please tell your friends about this site, it's really exciting for me to see that people come and get something out of it, and it makes me want to work on it even more :)

July 6, 2000

Added the story of the Vertical Horizon "You're A God" video shoot. When I get the roll developed I will put up the pics that I got with the guys :) Same goes with Angie Aparo. I just need to get the rolls finished off (two different cameras, of course), and then I will develop them and scan them and throw them up here :)

Also, I am going to change my guestbook in the next few days to a "dream book." I can make that one more unique more easily than this one, so if you've signed this one already, please come back and sign my new one. Thanks!

June 26, 2000

I added a page called "My News," you should have seen it, it's right below this link on my front page. It'll be about the things that I get to do (inspired by my trip to be in the You're a God video :)), or am trying to do.

June 22, 2000

I added a story about something that happened to me when I was younger (it never fails to make my friends laugh really hard). Yes, I was going to be a ballerina. I can add more stories later, and I will. Reading them doesn't seem quite as funny, maybe I make funny faces or something. Check it out anyway. Oh, when I add the link. I'll do that later, it'll be linked on my It's Only Me page. Enjoy!

June 20, 2000

Added the lyrics to all of the songs on Shine by Pat McGee Band, and set up the pages for the other lyrics to come when I get back to Davis and have the jewel cases with me so that I can get the correct lyrics down. I will work on the Chasing Gray part of my site soon. I think I will also rescan my pictures and see if I can get them to look a bit better. I think I compressed them too much when I converted from .bmp to .jpg so I will go back and fix that.

June 19, 2000

I added my page to a lot of search engines tonight, maybe that will help people find it easier :) I also made this page, and worked on a few others (nothing major on any pages). More to come during my short summer break.

June 18, 2000

I put up a lot of pictures. There are pics from the Pat McGee Band concert now, pictures of where I live, pictures of the trips that my friends and I have taken now. There are also pictures of all of the signed cd covers that I have. Added a page for Angie Aparo as well.