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Vertical Horizon
Sacramento Valley Amphitheater
Marysville, CA
August 27, 2000

I bought my ticket for this show the day they went on sale. My seat was front row, as close to the center as you can get, so I was well pleased. However, I came to find out later that there would be a pit in front of me, so I spent a good deal of time debating what to do.

In the meantime, I did my best to use my connections to get on the guest list (since if I did, I'd be able to convince at least one friend to come along). I hadn't heard back from Ed since I had a friend forward an email to him after the shoot, so I knew that wasn't an option, but I did have another connection. It turned out that I'd helped out a family member of one of the guys in the band, and he wanted to help me out, so he tried to get in touch with them to get me on the guest list. He and the band played phone tag that whole week leading up to the concert, and I ended up not getting onto the list through that means either.

So, I knew that my best bet would be to see the guys, since I was nearly certain they would remember me from the YAG shoot, and then it would be "all good." So I drove to the SVA, and got there before they opened the gates to let people into the area surrounding the amphitheater and decided that I should probably trade in my seat for a pit pass if I could. I was allowed to, so I went back, got in line, and waited to be let into the area.

They finally let us in, but we weren't allowed into where the seats are, or where the pit is. That was all right with me, since I wanted to see if I could send a note backstage to one of the guys, in the hopes that they would remember me even if they didn't see my face. It took nearly 45 minutes of walking from one side of the place to the other and back again (and again and again) to find out that I could send a note backstage, who to send it back with, and then to track down a piece of paper and decide what to write. I ultimately decided that I'd tell them that I met them at the shoot and hope that they rememebered my name. So I sent the note back with the guy who said that he'd give it to someone and they'd give it to the band. I waited by the backstage gate for a while. Then went and wandered around, then waited some more. There was another girl there who was friends with Third Eye Blind, and she was waiting to be let backstage with them, so we sat and chatted with the woman who was watching the gate.

Nine Days came on, and I went to the edge of the pit, since I figured I wouldn't be let back right before their set. Nine Days was all right, nothing spectactular, but they looked like they were having a good time :) And finally it was the break before VH!

I managed to get up near the front, about one person back from the fence, and stood around for a while. I was a little off to the left of where Keith was going to be. The lights finally dimmed and the guys came out. About a song and a half in, I realized that the guy in front of me (and all the people around me) wasn't dancing or singing along, so I asked if he was there to see VH. He said no, so I asked if I could move in front of him for their set, since I was going to leave when they were done, and I am friends with the band, but they didn't know I was there.

Surprisingly, he let me in front of him. I was having a blast, and I know Keith saw me because he waved a few times. This was the show that VH1 webcast the next day, so there were three cameras walking around. There was one that was always on stage, one that was on Matt most of the time, and one that got the other three guys. During "Best I Ever Had" the camera on stage walked down next to Keith and focused on me for a bit. I wasn't sure whether or not I should acnowledge the camera, so I watched Keith, and he nodded to the camera (he couldn't point, since he was playing) so I waved. I found out later that was the camera that was being projected up onto the screen above the stage for everyone to see.

I danced and sang along to every song (I know them all, of course) and at the end of the show Keith tried to throw me his pick. The problem was that there is a 6 foot (or so) gap between where the pit is and where the stage is, and it's also about 6 feet higher than the pit. So the first one was taken by the wind, and went no where near me.

There was security between the audience and the stage, and the second pick that Keith tried to give to me didn't come far enough. The security guy in front of me bent down and picked it up, and when I asked him if he would hand it to me, because Keith had pointed to me before he threw it and the guy saw he answered by pocketing it and then telling me that he has kids.

So I left and went back to waiting by the back gate, hoping that one of them would put my face with the note that I'd sent back, but knowing that probably wasn't going to happen. I decided I'd only wait there for a few minutes, and while I was standing there a group of people came up with backstage passes. I thought I'd ask them to take a picture back to the guys because I'd brought some from the video shoot that I thought they might like to see them.

I talked with the people for a few minutes, and after convincing them I'm not a stalker, they told me that they had a few extra passes, and I could have one.

Provided I thank Matt's mom (who had provided them with the passes) . . . so, thank you Brenda Scannell :)

Anyway, we got in by following a big group of people who'd won passes on the radio. They don't let you back unless there's a guide, so we had to kinda just sneak in. So, finally we got back to the sitting area where they were having the meet'n'greets. The group I was with sat down at a table together and talked while we waited for the guys to finish with the radio groups so that we could actually chat with them. Keith came over first, and recognized me right off the bat. I only had to tell him that I'd met them at the YAG shoot and then he remembered my name. I asked if he'd seen the note that I'd sent back, and he didn't know what I was talking about. So we chatted for a few minutes, and I showed him the pictures from the shoot. He liked them, and we chatted for a few more minutes, and then he moved on to talk with other people.

Then Sean came over. He also recognized me, but couldn't remember my name. We only got to chat for a second before he was pulled away by some fans wanting a picture.

I managed to grab Matt after that, and showed him the pictures and also pulled out a TABA on Rhythmic Records. I'd gotten two online almost right after the YAG shoot, and I'd remembered that he said that he didn't even have any of them. So, I thought that I'd give one to him, since it just doesn't seem right that he doesn't own one of his own original cds (yes, I'm aware there was a release prior to that one, on Safari Records). At first he didn't want to accept it, but I convinced him that I didn't need it, so he finally took it. He was really touched, and just about started crying. It was very sweet. We only got to chat for a few more minutes because he had to go and be the "good husband" (his words) and Kelly was in the trailer or someplace else.

Then Ed and I got to chat. He was the one who'd gotten my note, and admitted that he'd wanted to see a picture because he couldn't put a face to my name. He was pleased to see me, and hugged me a few times. Showed him the pics, and he asked if I'd brought them for him to keep. I hadn't intended to, so my first reaction was no, but then I realized that I had doubles at home, so he could have them. He didn't want to take them tho, and asked me if I would make copies for him and give him them the next time they were in town. I told him how I'd tried to email him, but for various reasons I think he hadn't gotten the emails. He told me to make sure that I get in touch with them next time they're in the area, so that I can be on the guest list, and not have to hope to find someone with an extra pass, and went off to play some video games with his wife.

So it was back to sitting with Sean and his girlfriend and talking with them. It was pretty cool :) I told him about how I met someone in his family and how he'd been trying to get in touch with him on my behalf, which Sean remembered. Anyway, we just shot the breeze for a bit until it was time for security to start getting the meet'n'greet area for Third Eye Blind.

So, I said goodbye to Sean and Katie and went out to my car. All in all, it was a fun evening.