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A Life To Young

A life too young to be spent too soon.

When Life is done and the final race has been run.

A life is full if there has been Laughter, tears and fun.

Too many times do we see our lives as useless.

Adam is gone, too soon.

Some are given a longer life

But none, burned as bright.

A shame that Kyle and Patty have to say

good-bye to a good son.

You know all is in the Almighty's plan.

He cares for him now.

God runs the ultimate race team.

I can see them now.

A young face at the wheel. God is on the

tower letting him know when to pass and when its clear.

When things start to run a little rough, he tells Adam to come in.

When the race is won. There is always tinkering to be done.

God says to do this and do that.

He walks up to good old no. 45

He asks it is done yet.

A familiar face is seen a-peekin out from underneath the hood.

He gives a nod and says its good.

Adam is not alone you see,

It's Lee.

By Michael Belton Crowley
