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Multi-Vitamin Mineral Fitness with Chromium

(Men and Women formulas differ by concentration and they are adjusted for difference in body size). the principle ingredients in this formula include:

Vitamins & Minerals

VITAMIN A This substance comes from either animal or vegetable sources. Vitamin A helps you maintain the quality of the mucous membranes and to resist infections. It is essential for bone growth, reproduction, white blood cell development and normal vision. It has some activity as an antioxidant, yet it works best with Beta-Carotene and up to 500 caroenoid. The animal source of Vitamin A can be used in smaller quantities because it has a high activity level. A deficiency of Vitamin A has and can led to an eyeball disease, blindness of the eye and aged skin. We can rely on the vegetable source of Vitamin A, beta-carotene and carotenoids, as we'll as a supplement. For example, a cup of carrots has about 16,000 I.U. of Vitamin A, and a cup of sweet potatoes, mustard greens or squash, eventually your skin may turn a little orange or yellow. Once your body is ready to convert the beta-carotene underneath the skin into Vitamin A, it will; there is no toxicity known with vegetables, so it is perfectly safe to take supplements derived from plant sources. Yellow and orange-colored vegetables and fruit, such cantaloupe, contain the good type of vitamin A (beta-carotene & cartooned). Our Grow Young and Slim Plan supplies more than enough Vitamin A, and certainly more than the typical American diet. If you use animal source supplement is p to 15,000 I.U. Vegetable source supplements are your best choice. [BACK]

VITAMIN E Vitamin E is important to prevent rancidity. It helps the oxygen in the body and protects the cells. Vitamin E is also necessary on a low-fat diet, however, people following a high fat diet tend to require more. It is a good antioxidant, protecting you from free-radical pathology, heart disease, aging and cancer. Vitamin E improves the efficient use of oxygen and decreases platelet stickiness, which reduces excessive blood clotting, offering protection from sudden blockage of an artery. It works with other antioxidants and free-radical scavengers. Dietary essential fatty acids are also protected from oxidation with Vitamin E. When you take Vitamin E as a supplement, it's best not to exceed 400 I.U. You may have symptoms of fatigue using the oil based Vitamin E form increased rate of triglycerides (fat) in the blood.
It is true we need Vitamin E, and it would be test to take supplements derived from whole natural foods. For example, kale, cucumbers, or collards contain Vitamin E. Cucumbers contain about 8 I.U. per cup; two cups would complete your entire requirement for the day. Summer squash, millet, green peas and various other fruits and vegetables provide additional Vitamin E. Add a dry form (d-alpha tocopheryl Succinate, Beta, Gamma, Delta Tocopherols) sufficient to obtain Vitamin E. Vitamin E RDA: 15 I.U. Best not to exceed 400 I.U./ day. If you reduce fat in your diet, Vitamin E is used more efficiently.[BACK]

VITAMIN B12 B12 is part of the B complex family and is necessary to good health. The B complex vitamins help your body to use carbohydrates, to burn them for energy and to use the protein and the fat you eat. Vitamins should not be taken without food because they are like an enzyme that helps to put the food to use. Some people fast or skip meals and then take vitamins believing they're helping themselves. When you do take vitamin supplements, you should take them with your food, and you should depend on your food as your primary nutrient source.[BACK]
Vitamin B12 deficiencies could result in pernicious anemia. Only a few cases of dietary B12 deficiencies have been reported in scientific literature, and those cases were associated with intestinal disorders. If there was an absorption problem, there would be an intrinsic factor enzyme that would be absent because of a disease of the stomach or small intestines. In that event, although you were getting enough B12, you may not be able to absorb it and you may need an injection once every three months. Equally effective, according to the British Medical Journal (291:56, 1985), would be one large daily dose, 1000 mcg. In a liquid sublingual form (under the tongue as drops, spray, or dissolvable tablet). A diseased body could absorb the needed 1 - 2mg per day, which would solve the problem.
Doctors can diagnose possible Vitamin B12 deficiencies with blood tests through reports on the complete blood cell counts (CBC) and the anemia panel, which measures the level of Vitamin B12, folic acid and iron. The liver blood morphology test can identify B12 deficiencies. The red blood cells become shaped like an oval (ovalocytes) instead of being round and the white blood cells have fewer lobes than expected. Excess B12 has not been reported as a toxic problem. Many vegetarians take Vitamin B12 in a B complex twice or three times a week in a sublingual form under the tongue.
You do need at least four micrograms per day, which is a small amount. Since your body can store Vitamin B12 from five to ten years in the liver, we have an adequate storage capacity. However, excessive use of alcohol can deplete a year's supply. B12 is manufactured by certain bacterial algae (no animal or plant produces B12). Some foods that provide Vitamin B12 from bacteria would include one ounce of oysters that has five micrograms and two ounces of crab (5.7 micrograms). An occasional bit of oyster or crab sprinkled into your food would give you a source of B12. Two ounces of herring per day would give you five micrograms of your minimum B12 requirement for the day. Tempehmiso (fermented soybean) and tamari are both fermented by bacteria that manufacture sufficient B12. Other non-animal sources of B12 include the algae, spirulina and seaweed with bacteria clinging to its surface.
Vitamin B12 RDA 4mcg. Supplement pills contain breakdown of B12 and to be effective should be used with whole foods. Friendly microorganisms (algae, bacteria) provide the of B12 between 4 to 25 mcg./ day. If the "intrinsic factor" enzyme (produced by your body) is absent, your body would not absorb this vitamin properly. The doctor may decide you need injections or sublingual form of B12. Fortunately, this deficiency is rare. No toxicity has been reported by overdose.

VITAMIN B1 Vitamin B1, Thiamin has been discovered to be very essential to good health. If you do not get enough B1, it can lead to fatigue, loss of appetite, emotional problems, beriberi, excess hyperthyroidism, shingles, and in severe cases - death. The RDA for Vitamin B1 is set at 1 to 1.8 milligrams. It's important to take the B1 as a complex, when you do use it as a supplement. A supplement range could be safe from two to one hundred milligrams per day. The higher dosage would be taken if you consume large amounts of alcohol or sugars. The lower dosage of two milligrams would be used as a preventive formula in combination with other B complex vitamins.
To get proper B1 from your foods, you could use sprouted sunflower seeds. Just one cup per day meets your entire Vitamin B1 requirement. Millet, split peas, green peas, Bulgar wheat, asparagus and brown rice are all good sources of B1. B1 deficiencies occur when people eat large amount of processed foods, such as white bread, white rice, sugars, and alcohol. Because there is not enough Vitamin B1 in processed white flour and sugar to metabolize all the carbohydrates. It's best to switch to whole natural foods, such as whole wheat bread with all its B vitamins intact instead of white bread. Supplement B1 must be taken as a B complex (with other B's) in range from 2 to 100mg/ day. The better your diet, the less you need supplements. The more processed white flours, sugar or alcohol you use, the higher the dosage of B's.[BACK]

VITAMIN B2 RIBOFLAVIN Riboflavin is essential to good health, but it's the most common deficiency American develop. It is important for the maintenance of adequate antioxidant enzyme levels. The RDA has been set at 1.4 to 2 milligrams. To meet your needs, include the following foods that are good sources of B2: wild rice, millet, mushrooms, collards, broccoli, various beans and peas. Deficiencies can occur, and they may show up as cracks in the corners of your mouth and children's growth also can be affected. Vitamin B2 RDA: 1.4 to 2mg. B2 is the most common American deficiency. Supplement range 2 to 100mg./ day.[BACK]

VITAMIN B3 The RDA for Niacin, Vitamin B3 has been established between 15 to 20 milligrams, Niacin supplements raise the good cholesterol (HDL) and lower the total cholesterol. It can dilute blood vessels thus lower blood pressure while improving circulation. It has been shown help in the reduction of migraine headaches. One and half cups of broccoli would meet a majority of your requirements for the day. Sprouted sunflower seeds, split peas, mushroom and beans are all good sources. If you develop a deficiency of B3 it can lead to pellagra, a condition in which the skin develop small spots that look like dirt or suntan. It can lead to paralysis and death. But, you can get too much niacin and excesses above 1,000 milligrams per day have been known to cause headache, liver stress. Time-released Niacin amide has been shown to be safer (between 20 to 200 milligrams per day) however, any dose beyond this should be under the care and direction of a physician. Niacin amide is the most effective form of B3 besides certain foods listed in Grow Young and Slim book.[BACK]

VITAMIN B6 this vitamin is called pyridoxine and the RDA is set at two milligrams. It is needed to metabolize amino acids and for the formation of hemoglobin in red blood cells. If you eat two cups of brown rice per day, this would provide most of your B6 requirements. Bananas are also a good source, as are chestnuts, one of the few nuts low in fat. Vitamin B6 RDA: 2mg. Suggested supplement range 2 to 25 mg. Deficiency symptoms are similar to niacin and riboflavin deficiencies - muscular weakness, depression, cracks around the mouth and eyes, etc.[BACK]

FOLIC ACID this is another important member of the B complex family. It is found mainly in green leafy vegetables. This vitamin is especially important before and during pregnancy. The RDA is set at 400 micrograms and if you take a folic acid supplement, we suggest you include it as part of a B complex. One of the beat sources would be boysenberry. A cup would meet one-fourth of your daily need. Oranges, strawberries, tangerines, pears and rhubarb are other sources. Folic Acid RDA: 400mcg. (.4mg.) Supplement in B complex up to 400mcg.[BACK]

PANTOTHENIC ACID Another of the B complex. It is essential for the adrenal glands to produce their hormones. In times of stress, the adrenal glands can become depleted. Extra pantothenic acid is needed to restore normal adrenal function. If one is deficient in pantothenic acid, it can lead to depression, fatigue and insomnia. The RDA is five to ten milligrams. Good sources of pantothenic acid are mushrooms, brown rice, hot chili peppers, cabbage, cauliflower, and wheat bran. Sunflower seeds when sprouted are another source. If you take a supplement, a safe range would be five to thirty milligrams. Pantothenic acid RDA: 5 to 10 mg. Supplement range 5 to 30mg.[BACK]

VITAMIN C This is one of the most important and most remarkable nutrients. It has a unique effect on the basic properties of molecules, tissues, and cells. It has a large range of metabolic functions. It is essential for the production of collagen and offers protection from oxidative free radical damage. Because of the collagen strength and the antioxidant activity, wrinkling and sagging of the skin is reduced. Interferon production is enhanced with Vitamin C, which promotes immune function. The RDA for this vitamin is 60 milligrams and you could get this from one orange. You might not be aware strawberries have twice as much Vitamin C as oranges, broccoli has three times more,red peppers have four times as much and red, hot chili peppers have seven times as much more Vitamin C per cup quantity. Certain raw foods are a good source of Vitamin C. It's best to eat these foods as fresh as possible, either when they come from the tree or fresh from your spouting jar. When you take a supplement, the range would be from 60 to 500 milligram per day. In certain instances, you may have been advised to take more than 1,000 milligrams by physician, and if so, you should follow those guidelines. Your body can store Vitamin C in your white blood cell buffycoat. Most people can saturate their storage capacity, if they get at least 100 milligrams of Vitamin C per day. A lack of Vitamin C usually only occurs if you're deprived of fruits and vegetable or in a more serious situation of starvation. This will supply you with a good source of Vitamin C and the necessary bioflavoid complex. Vitamin C RDA: 60mg. Supplement range 50 to 500mg.[BACK]

VITAMIN D The RDA is established at a safe range of up to 400 I.U. A good source of Vitamin D is the sunlight. By stepping outdoors for 15 minutes, you will allow your body to produce all the Vitamin D it requires. It may be a cloudy day, but if part of your face and skin are exposed, you'll produce vitamin D. If climate or clothing does not permit this, a growing child would need a supplement or 3oz. of fish per day (Vitamin D is found in fish oil) equal to a supplement range under 400 I.U. It is important to understand that as we age, our ability to produce Vitamin D in the skin declines and our ability to absorb it is reduced. It is common for older people to have less exposure to the sun and poorer intestinal absorption. If liver or kidney or bowel disorders are present, you need a supplement of Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). This form works best with the parathyroid hormone to maintain normal blood levels of calcium. Vitamin D from milk is a less desirable synthetic form and it should not be depended upon for your health. Vitamin D RDA:400 I.U.[BACK]

COENZYME Q10 is essential for the production ATP (adenosine triphosphate) in the mitochondria. ATP is the molecule that our cells use to store energy. A fat soluble antioxidant nutrient, Coenzyme Q10 is not a vitamin. It declines with illness and with age. Tissue levels of CoQ10 are lower especially after the age of 40. Supplements of CoQ10 increase exercise tolerance and reduce angina. It can improve the strength of the heart muscle and reduce shortness of breath. These are reports of patients being able to avoid heart transplant surgery because of the dramatic improvements from taking CoQ10. It has been shown to reduce inflammation of the gum as well as stimulating normal immune function. Sugar metabolism in diabetes improves as well as the improvement of metabolic rate and the slowing of the aging process. The amount of Coenzyme Q10 I take is 50 to 150 mg. per day. In severe heart disease higher doses can be more beneficial. CoQ10 is not toxic although it is fat soluble. It does not accumulate excessively in the tissues.[BACK]

SELENIUM the amount of selenium in food varies depending on the concentration in soil where it was grown. The basic RDA is .05 to 2 milligrams. Onions, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, grains, cereals, fruits, and vegetables are all sources of selenium. The Grow Young Plan is higher in selenium than most typical diets. Some studies seem to suggest selenium reduces the risk of heart disease. Of course, people eating the most selenium were also eating more whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and as we already know, these foods are low in fat and cholesterol. As a result, it's not clear if selenium is the main factor in lowering the risk of heart disease. But, selenium is an antioxidant and can help improve and maintain good health by reducing the effects of processed foods. Selenium RDA 50mcg./ day (.05 to .02 mg./day) Supplement range 50 to 100 mcg. per day (.05 to .10mg). Toxic at 5,000mcg. (5mg./day) long-term use. Foods vary greatly on concentration of selenium; depends on the amount present in soil.[BACK]

IRON There is more iron in the body than any of the other trace elements. The red blood cells, as part of the hemoglobin, are where it is mostly present. The RDA's for Iron are 10 for men and 18 milligrams for women. The supplement amount also should stay in this range. Iron is needed to produce hemoglobin in the blood to carry oxygen and to prevent anemia, pallor and fatigue. Dairy products frequently cause iron-deficiency anemia by inhibiting iron absorption (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 33:86, 1988). If this problem develops, stop drinking cow's milk. Iron RDA: 10mg. for male, 18mg. for female. Supplement range 10 to 18 mg./ day. It's best not exceed the suggested dosages per day. Good sources of iron include sprouted sunflower seeds, garbanzo beans, lentils, parsley, split peas and seaweed.[BACK]

CALCIUM is essential to good bone integrity, to maintaining strong healthy teeth and for proper nerve and muscle functioning. The RDA has been established at 800 to 1,200 milligrams. this range can be met by taking supplements and eating a variety of foods, including turnip green, collards, kale, cabbage, garbanzo beans, broccoli and corn tortillas. This is more calcium in five tortillas than in a cup of milk. Calcium RDA: 800 to 1,400 mg. Supplement range 300 to 800mg., to be taken in 1 to 1 balance with magnesium. Be sure to avoid excess protein, which depletes calcium.[BACK]

MAGNESIUM RDA: 300 to 450mg. Magnesium helps to relax muscles after calcium stimulates muscle contraction. It helps to regulate body temperature, acid-based balance, absorption and use of other minerals. Small amounts of magnesium appear to help people with chronic insomnia, muscle cramps, headaches, depression, and irregular heart rhythm. High blood cholesterol levels, high protein diets, diuretics or alcoholism creates an increased need for magnesium.[BACK]

SODIUM You may consider yourself already educated about sodium. You've made a good start! Sodium is naturally found in whole foods such as grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables. Unless your physician has advised you to eat a very low sodium diet, the sodium level of these foods need not concern you. A diet composed of these foods, eaten in their natural state, will supply you with a good amount of sodium needed for body function. We need just the right amount of sodium, not too much or too little. Be careful of getting too much sodium from processed foods - those jars and bottles, boxes and bags in your cupboard and refrigerator! But it's just not possible to guess the sodium level in a content by is low just because it is listed last. Salt is concentrated, with 2,000mg. in one half teaspoon. We need about 4,000mg. (teaspoon) for two liters of water in a day. The United states government recently declared a standard for food manufacturers making nutritional claims. The manufacturer may claim: "No Added Salt," but still use other compounds or ingredients already containing sodium.[BACK]

POTASSIUM We need about 2,500 milligrams of potassium per day. The first thing many people say is, "I eat bananas." Of course, bananas are good sources of potassium, but did you know garbanzo beans are three times higher in potassium? Winter squash is also higher, and tomatoes are as high in potassium as bandanas. cantaloupes, carrots, avocados and potatoes are all goo sources, too. Potassium RDA: 2,500mg. Fruits and vegetables are the best food source[BACK].

* In addition to supplements, whole natural, unprocessed foods are the primary source for nutrients. You would be best advised to eat foods that are healthy for you based on the facts explained in the Grow Young and Slim, by Nick Delgado, Ph.D. Individuals interested in reducing fat can get a copy of this book from a Slim-Rx™ distributor.