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Memories of Beebe

It seems almost everyone I know names a pet, then never calls her by that name.
Here are some of Beebe's nicknames:
*The Beebstress
*Little Beebe Girl
*Poopy Head (now c'mon. Who but a dog would let you call her that & smile when you did? *s*)
*L.T. - That was the name given to her by the people who adopted her for me because she was such a "little turkey" and a goofball. We kept it as her official middle name. :)
Some cute stories:
"Santa's been here!"

Every Christmas of course we got Beebe Christmas presents, too.
After a couple of years, just like a child, she knew something special
was just around the corner when she saw the tree go up.
She even responded to "Santa."
Every time we said "Santa," she'd go over to the tree
and sniff all the presents.
On Christmas Eve we'd tell her to be extra good
and don't bark at Santa when he gets here.
That seemed to be the only time she slept through the night. *S*
On Christmas morning, we let her open her own gifts ...
one of which was always a huge bone about the length of her body.
She pick it up with her mouth, lift her head to the sky
and strut around the living room like she just captured something.

"Blackberry Pickin'"

Beebe's favorite thing in the world (besides her Mommy & Daddy & food)
was running in the woods.
Because we live in the city, she had to be tied up most of the time she was outside.
So, when she got a chance to run ... boy did she run! ...
except when we went blackberry picking.
While my husband & I were trying to pick just the right berries for pies,
Beebe wasn't quite as discriminating.
She'd bury her whole head in the bushes, rustle around for while, munching on berries.
When she had her fill at that bush,
she'd look up at us & wonder what was taking us so long.
She'd run a little farther in front of us.
When we didn't follow, she'd come back & wonder again what the hold up was.
Finally, when we moved on to the next bush,
She'd start all over again, rustling & munching.

"Now which paw was it?"

Beebe hurt her front, left paw & was favoring it for a few days.
During those days, I was babying her more than usual.
All she had to do was hold up that paw & I'd give her some extra loving --
some extra tight hugs, or extra kisses or maybe a treat.
Must be she got used to the extra attention and thought she had a great
plan to still get it after her paw was better.
One day I heard her whining & I turned around to see her
holding up her right paw.
I laughed and said, "Hey Bee, isn't that the wrong foot?"
She immediately put her right paw down & lifted the left one. LOL
She was just so cute, I had to give her a treat anyway.

"The Easter Beagle"

One year my husband thought it would be cute for Beebe to wear
little bunny ears on Easter. Well, Beebe didn't quite agree.
My husband put the ears on her (they were on a headband) and she
looked up at me with the saddest little beagle eyes and I know she was saying
"Mommy, do I really have to?"
I shook my head. She shook the ears off. My husband tried a couple more times,
but she just didn't want to be The Easter Beagle.
A couple days later, he tried again but Beebe just hid behind me. :)
I still have those silly ears & every time I see them I remember how cute
she was when she asked me if she had to wear them.

You may be wondering why I chose the colors I did for Beebe's tribute pages.
Well, it's pretty simple.
The text & link colors are the colors of her beautiful coat.
The red background is because red was her favorite color.
Now, I know you're saying dogs can't distinguish between colors.
Don't be so sure.
When Beebe was a puppy we bought her a red collar because we thought it would be pretty with her coat.
Every time she needed a new one, we bought a red one.
But after several years, we got tired of people calling her "he" and "boy" and not knowing she was a girl.
So, we decided to buy her a pink collar.
She wouldn't wear it. I mean would not wear it.
We got her another red one & she was fine.

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