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Friendship Kit

Rubber bands:
to remind you of hugging
and those times when you want
to give a hug or want to receive one.

to remind you to dry someone's tears
(or perhaps your own, so you can see
the tears of others.)

to remind you to "button your lips"
to keep from saying mean things
about others or talking
when it's not appropriate.

to remind you to "pick out"
the good qualities of everyone --
including you!
(Believe it or not,
I couldn't find a toothpick!
So, this will have to do. *s*)

to remind you of healing hurt feelings,
either yours or someone else's.

Candy kiss:
to remind you that everyone
needs a nice treat occasionally.

Gold thread:
to remind you that friendship
is the golden thread
that ties together
the hearts of everyone.

to remind you that everyone
makes mistakes sometimes,
and that's all right.

Lifesaver candy:
to remind you to think of me
as your "lifesaver."
Whenever you need to talk,
feel free to come see me!

to remind you that
are worth a mint to me!

Gifts from RAOK Anne's Page ... Welcome to Irish Dreams

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