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All About Me

Some basic things...

These are some pictures of me and my best friend Jamie (she has brown hair and hazel eyes, and I'm the one with blonde hair and blue eyes). And if you still can't tell us apart, I have my hair up and I also have bangs, and she has her hair down. If you need more clues than that, then I can't do anything because you don't need my help; you need "special" help.

(WARNING: My friends and I look downright gross in some of these pictures, but give us a break-- the shots were taken at our all girls Catholic high school. Going there sucks, but it's nice to wake up in the morning without having to comb your hair... or brush your teeth--that last part was a just a joke in case anybody had to wonder. No one at our school has green teeth, at least I don't.)

Top Row: This was the group baby for awhile (the Psychology project), until we used it as a football and its legs and arms flew off. It was funny at the time, but we almost died when the thing wouldn't go back together when the bell rang. Next is my friend Mary Jo and her little cousin. Then we have my friends Rosie-Posie (her alias is "Josie"--we all have aliases in case some wierdo comes onto us) and Val. Lastly is me and Jamie again.

Bottom Row: First is Jamie again, holding up our Homecoming '99 pictures. Then my friend Min is the second girl, and there's Val again. Next, my friend Rose (Rosie-Posie) is sitting, curled up in the school courtyard. (This is how she looks right before she's about to fall asleep, and then we have to poke her.) The last picture is of the twins. Amy is smiling for the camera, but you can't see Rachelle because her back is towards me and the camera.

Sorry to Rachelle for not having a better picture of her, and to Jetaime (Shorty--the legal midget of our group along with another girl named Kat) for not having a picture she wouldn't kill me for putting up. I love all y'all!

And if Jamie is looking at this--be glad I didn't put the picture of you on here from the retreat after I ripped your pants off in front of everybody! Ha! Just kidding--well, not really! (Ha, ha)

These other pictures are of me, my mom, my older brother, my younger brother, my car Alfred (this picture is one of the pictures we used for the punk rock prom my school didn't win--but I'm not bitter), my pet turtle Dexter (care of "Offspring"), and my doggies, Bandit (doberman--we couldn't bear to cut her ears and tail off), or as Jamie calls it, the "devil dog", and Shadow (black lab).

Home is where the heart is.