Here is my version of the gorgeous
skating I was lucky enough to see from the 4th row off the ice. (the marks
have been posted elsewhere)
Surya was first, skating to that music that Aaron told you about LOL, wearing
a gold-lame-with-leopard-spots costume. She looks twice as athletic in person
as she does on TV. Her shoulders are quite broad, and she is incomparable for
female power on the ice. Actually you can see that she is making an effort as
far as expression and choreography, but I am still not too impressed with that
part of her skating. There were three changes of music, and it was off-putting
as far as the editing goes.
(BTW, the Palace has a four-sided giant TV screen up above the ice, so if I
wanted to check the facial expressions of the skaters as they faced away from
me, I just had to look up.)
My notes on her jumps etc, were: 2A, 3T,3T combination, 3L, and a backflip,
deathdrop, martini spin. There were no flowers or toys thrown for Surya that I
could see. :-(
Kristi was next, exquisite in a fuchsia pink with gold braid trim,
one-shoulder dress, and she skated to Desert Rose. I have her moves and jumps
as: 3S, camel spin, 2A, great dance moves and hand gestures, 3L with a slight
2 ft., sit spin, gorgeous layback, popped 2T.
Then came Michael Weiss, dressed in his black with copper-colored trim outfit.
His music is very 19th century romantic, the 1812 Overture. His line is
elegant and classical. His spirals are very good, long and secure. My notes on
his moves are: 3Z, 3A/3T, combination spin, 3A, fall, DD, sit spin, STD with
an exclamation point, (help, what does that mean LOL?) 3S, 2A, footwork,
backflip, more footwork, 3Z, waltz jump, sit-change-sit, into a scratch spin.
Next was Kurt, doing his Don't Fence Me In routine, in the bright blue cowboy
outfit. The number and the initials on his back pockets refer to his dad's and
uncle's ranches/farms. He wore the spurs on his skates again, too cute.
For his moves, I have single jump, into single jump, into 3S, 3A, 2S, sit
spin, cowboy kicks, 3T/3T, 2A..2A..2A..2A. lasso moves. This program is still
not catching on with me, after seeing it 3 times in 9 days. Sorry Kurt!
Yuka Sato was next. You can see this program on the World Pros technical
segment. I love the music she uses for it. Tell Me What You're Thinking is a
phrase that runs through my mind, and the underlying rhythm that Yuka skates
to, combined with the romantic, slower lyrics is just beautiful. I have her
moves as: 3L, gorgeous camel spin, 3S, Ina Bauer, Spiral, also gorgeous, 2A,
Layback, change-sit spin, 3S, DD, and another layback. Her costume was the
dark blue two layer dress, very pretty. I didn't detect the slowness that was
attributed to her by Aaron, but considering her marks, and that she had just
received high marks at World Pros, I thought they were low, and wondered why.
Sasha Cohen, that lovely little baby ballerina, is so sure of herself now. I
just love watching her stretched out positions. She wore a rose pink with
rhinestones dress and skated to Love You More. Her jumps were 3L, 2T, layback,
2A, frontward spiral, gorgeous of course, then reversing, camel spin, another
spiral, 3T, a Charlotte, Ina Bauer into a 3S, her Sasha Slide, sit spin, and
something I listed as "mait gl." any clues LOL? She got a huge hand
because she skated perfectly.
Todd Eldredge: his outfit is gold lame and black, with shoulder
"enhancements", to give it that "great navigator for
Spain" look. His moves: 3A, knee slide, rolls on ice, dies, kicks again,
gets up to marching rhythm, 3A, 2L, 2L, hugs himself, intricate footwork, 3F,
DD, sit/change/sit scratch spin. High marks, and big hand from audience.
Brian Orser. Black outfit with black sequin trim. The Phil Collins tune done
to sexy sax again. I do like this program and it is another that I have seen 3
times in 9 days LOL. 2A, 1L, camel, footwork, backflip, DD, 2A, 2A, DD, more
footwork, scratch spin.
INTERMISSION, and I will post this before AOL disappears it on me LOL.