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Champions on Ice 2002 Photos
Summer Nights on IceSun Valley 2000 | COI - Summer 2000 | SOI - 2001 | CSOI - 2001 | COI - Summer 2002


Figure Skating

Life Experiences

The Compaq Center


The Opening - The Olympic Theme

Brasseur & Eisler Fumie Suguri Anissina & Peizerat
Michelle Kwan (and proof that her spiral goes fast, LOL...and I was hoping so badly  for a good spiral pic! Grrr....) Alexei Yagudin

Lang & Tchernyshev Fumie Suguri

Philippe Candeloro (and his trusty dusty hamper, LOL..) Sasha Cohen's ribbon routine! (no, seriously, this is her Russian split jump, which is obviously too fast for this camera, LOL)

Michael Weiss Surya Bonaly Rudy Galindo


Brasseur & Eisler Irina Grigorian (she stood relatively still and did moves that lasted a while, so I figured it was a good photo opportunity..)

Bourne & Kraatz Elvis Stojko


Besedin & Polishchuk (see Irina Grigorian for explanation of multiple photos..) Timothy Goebel

Irina Slutskaya (I missed her Biellman!) (Dang, I missed it again! ) Victor Petrenko and his cute fuzzy!

Kazakova & Dmitriev Alexei Yagudin Michelle Kwan

The Finale!
(the only photo I didn't have to retouch, LOL!) what did I do with the extra film I had????