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Ina's Review | Laurie's Review | Brenda's Funny Story | Klara's Review

Ina's Review

   As you all know by now, I've been to two CSOI venues, the one in Ottawa and the one in Hamilton. It's hard to choose which one was my fav...but I'm tilting towards Hamilton...since it was the one being taped for t.v. and also I had a super seat at center ice :D This way I got to hear all the funny things skaters said and also got to see what was happening out there as well ;)
   The "other" reasons behind these trips was to get to visit Ottawa, which had been awhile since I'd been there and I'm looking forward to going back in the fall.
I also wanted to visit Hamilton...and so this was it :lol Of course one cannot just go to one least not me...LOL...I just had to see one more show :)
   The motivator behind all this was not actually Alexei, but Kurt...!!! I just had to see his wonderful Nyah program live again...!!! So, I'm I still an Alexei fan? Yes...of course...LOL...but I've become more of a skating fan and love to see all the skaters...not just one in particular. I used to dislike Josee for instance, but I've changed my mind at the Skate the Nation tour when I saw her perform her "Harlequin" live. Now I just love the girl...she's fabulous IMO. And there's Scott...who would have known that I'd actually cry at the thought of not seeing him on CSOI again? But I was a very emotional for me to see this tiny but big man skate on his last tour...although I still won't believe it somehow. He's still so darn great. I wished I could have had his autograph and then just gave tired in Hamilton to run after I bought an autographed photo of Scott. And one of Maria as well...and of course you guessed who else ;) :lol I wish there would have been one of Kurt in his "Nyah" costume...but I don't favor his comboy hoping one of my Nyah pics turn out good, I will try and get him to autograph this one...someday :) Brian Orser is another sweety...I like them all...LOL, I'm hopeless when it comes to skaters.
   I loved the Hamilton show soooo much...the repeats were so much fun :rollin
   Okay....first Ottawa:
   Scott was really *on* in Ottawa...he simply rocked the house down :rollin And my first time seeing him live, left me with memories of one of the most amazing skaters of our times...the next ones being Kurt, followed by Brian and then Alexei...of course :lol
   First sight of Alexei in white shirt and beige pants left me panting :lol It reminded me of the Barry show. He had this relaxed & fluid way of skating...and as Kim or someone else mentionned, it was quite different from the kick-butt Gladiator style we know him for. It was simply wonderful to watch especially Alexei during the New Moon routine. I only remember him and Maria during this both shows...LOL...although I had a much better "view" in Hamilton :D
   Steven Cousins "Higher" was better in Ottawa...but I had a much better Hamilton. He's a good skater...but this song doesn't do much for me. Although I appreciated his skating a lot...and the leather pants :lol
   Josee Chouinard...she is so charming & has the most beautiful sunshine smile ever :) She had her lovely blue costume with the satin top...same one in Kingston.She was just as good in both venues...but again, I saw more of "Can't Fight the Moonlight" in Hamilton...and I'll say this for the very last time...LOL...!!! My seat was great in to see everything I missed in Ottawa, since the skaters were quite far from where I was seated in Ottawa. So...going to Hamilton made me a bery,bery happy skating fan :D :D :D :D The other routine I loved of Josee was the one with cute...!!! He was wearing his JB47 and she had on the cutest red/white cowgirl costume. I hope that I took a pic of them together at that point...cause right now, I cannot remember :lol I'm getting the pics back tomorrow anyhow.
   Gee...Kurt and Josee look so cute together they'd ought to be married...LOL...don't think Kurt's wife would agree on this one :lol
   We got to see more of this during the repeat :rollin
   Kurt is such a ham...he really cracked me up during the show and at the repeats...too funny :rollin Kurt is always doing or saying something funny, he's so
great...I love this guy. Can't wait to see him again live....somewhere, somehow :D I hope the t.v. broadcast will have some of this funny stuff.
   Alexei is SO fortunate to be travelling with these guys. He's getting to learn lots about pro skating and life in Pro skating with the very best of them & I'm sure he's also having a great time as well. I can just imagine the back scene stuff. Sniff....wish I could get to travel with these guys as well :rollin Wonder if Kurt will bring the gang home on their way to the West. They could have a smashing barBQ :lol
   AHHHH...Kurt's *Nyah* :rollin How could I resist seeing this one again?? In Ottawa...I had a great view of the beginning of this awesome routine...and in Hamilton I got all the rest of it :rollin If it would have been up to me, I would have had Kurt skate to this one over and over again...LOL...and the music is still playing in my head...with Kurt's dazzzzzzzling footwork :rollin Personally I find Kurt's footwork even more incredible than Scott's...but that's probably because of the wonderful Flamenco music and the fact that Kurt looks so...hubba, hubba in this costume :b :smokin :rollinWOW...those arms...that out Steven and the rest...this guy may be older...but he's :smokin big time. Yes, I would say that next to Alexei, Kurt has the best bod ever...but that's me :lol Actually, it's more like...Kurt has the best moves and bod for an older skater...and Alexei the best moves and bod for a young skater. Kurt is truly the best artist on ice :D :D
   Okay...LOL..enough about Kurt...although I could go on & one & on :lol I realllllly would have loved to meet him....sniff :( least Kurt will be back on tour...thank God :D :D
   Who else??? Oh..yes, Gorsha...wish he'd do a solo number. He's quite the skater :rollin And those leather pants...LOL...again, look pretty good on him also :b >D >D
The ladies in Ottawa had quite the thrill of their life with Gorsha kissing and hugging and who knows what else :lol ...he was all over the stands way across over on the other side...and he was really misbehaving...tut, tut...and even laid across the fans laps...and was posing...LOL...too funny...!!! He just wouldn't quick flirting. Seems he wasn't so *frisky* in Hamilton, but sure made up for it in Kitchener...with Kim ;) :lol :lol
   Renee Roca?? Oh...she was there as well :lol Seriously they were great and I was happy to see these two skating live...since watching them on Targer...or whatever on t.v. Their "Everything Must Change" was rather emotional for I, since it Scott's farewell tour.
   Brian Orser...was great as he was in Kingston and in Ottawa and just as much in Hamilton. His Hamilton show was the best one for me...but that's probably cause I could see better perhaps. Love his "Sir Duke" fantastic footwork :rollin And he's such a sweetie :) :) :) His "Against All Odds" is a lovely program. I wish they'd stop doing them backflips though :eek : My poor heart stops everytime. I'm alwacys sared they'll injure themselves. Like when Scott jumps over the gold bag :eek : He's quite the risky jumper as well...gosh, how DO they do it :eek :
   Jenni Meno * Todd Sand....I really warmed up to these two. I find them so cute and charming together. I love their " I Can't Make You Love Me" :D They were wonderful. I was happy to see it again...and they're now part of my fav skaters...LOL...added to my bery long list :lol
   Shae-Lynn & Victor....WOW...what more can I say :D I've seen these two programs in Kingston and Ottawa & Hamilton...and I'd see it again & again. Love their OD...and YES...they were robbed...LOL...seriously. Some people like their new "Histoire D'Amour" and some don't. I'm one that LOVES it. This is so B&K. I hope they use it for next season. I love their costumes...absolutely b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l...LOL...and I used to dislike those two in the past two years...but now the feeling is back :lol Like they would care 8o I just find that they've made so much progress with's incredible...and not just the skating. I think they have more confidence in themselves. I also like the look on their faces...they've lost that "we're-the-best-ice dancers--and-should-have-won- the-gold" look, and now seem so much more relaxed, more mature, and just simply glow. Oh...and the Colgate frozen smiles have been replaced by real happy to be skating smiles :) :) :)

   Maria...WOW....saw her in Kingston, Ottawa & Hamilton :) :) :) How lucky can I get?? It was so great to see her skate live. The thing with that she's such a wonderful skater to watch, that I don't really mind when she misses a jump. The crowd was behind her all the way in all 3 cities. They loved her...and it was so great to see and hear them back her up during the retakes in Hamilton...and the crowd really got into it with her, clapping with the music to help her along...and cheered and applauded loudly when she got done with her repeat. She must have felt really good to hear all this support towards her. Must have felt like she was in Europe ;) :lol And the girl is fast :eek :...hard to take a pic during her "Dance with Me"...LOL...and I'll bet she's had more than a few man drooling out there :lol
   Alexei Yagudin...OOOOOOh......ahhhhhhh..... :b :rollinSO happy that I got to see this program 3 times live in one month :rollin :rollin :rollinHis best one out of the cities I've been was in Hamilton, even if he had to do a retake on one jump. It was to me the best and I loved this one...although I loved the one in Ottawa as well...cause the lighting at the beginning was fantastic...but he was far from me during his Gladiator routine. Seems the lights were different in Hamilton...probably since they were taping. Unless I lost it again when he came on, and the lights looked different cause I always get so excited. Well...he didn't have all the bad luck that he had in Ottawa landing outside of the rink etc. And, his slide looked really great from where I was seated in Hamilton ;) :lol Lots looked really great in Hamilton :lol
   For some reason, Alexei and Kurt are both inside my head trying to get first spot :lol Nyah, Gladiator, Nyah,'s a woman supposed to get back to normal life after this??? :lol Of course his Ice Chips performance are still fresh in my mind as well...that's almost too much visions :b :lol Alexei was SO funny during his retake :lol He did the thing with the was mentioned...and really cracked me up...and then after he was finished...he tippy-toed across the ice towards the exit :lol :lol :lol He's another ham...just gotta love these guys :rollin
   Yep...the skaters really made me laugh...and cry and shout and scream & holler & giggle & applaud & left me so satistfied by the time it was all over in Hamilton, that I felt as if I'd spent a whole day with them at this rink. What an unbelievable experience this was!!!
Oh...and so I missed the last bus for Toronto :lol :lol and Kim is like, but you missed your bus...and I'm like, who cares...LOL...if anyone has a choice to see more of the skaters and the repeats...what would you choose...a bus...or more?? :lol I would have walked to Toronto...if I had to...instead of missing the last unforgettable extra hour or so they gave us. It was like gold...totally wonderful...!!!

Ina :D :D :D :D

Laurie's Review


   I had never been to the Air Canada Centre in Toronto before. It is very large and modern. It looked like a full house for the SOI show, with only a few nosebleed sections not filled. The crowd seemed a bit more subdued than the usual Canadian audience, although they were fine. It's just that I'm used to rabid Canadian audiences, LOL. Perhaps Toronto is similar to New York, considering itself a tad more sophisticated than the rest of the country... ;)
   The SOI souvenier photos are great - Alexei looks gorgeous in both his own photo, plus in the cast photo, where he's wearing a gray sweater and his hair is absolutely perfect, LOL......Alexei's photo was often hard to find by the end of the shows. The lady working the booth said he was bery, bery popular, LOL...I bought an extra photo to give away as a contest prize.
   The opening number is "Let's Get It On," and the cast members are all introduced in this sexy motown number. Alexei looks veddy nice, has some sensual moves in it, and gets a big response when he is introduced.
   Next is Scott Hamilton with "I Feel Good" by James Brown, and dressed all in black. He's greeted very warmly - elements were a tuck jump, quick footwork, two double axels in a row, a triple sal with a step out, more nimble footwork, a split jump, flying sit spin, two Russian splits, and a butterfly - typical, high energy Scott Hamilton program.
   At this point, the "Star of Tomorrow" comes out - a local little boy who skates around in front of Scott. Very cute.
   Maria Butyrskaya first comes out for "Reaching for the Stars," wearing a beautiful, flowing white dress. She does a spiral and a camel spin. Roca & Sur then come out, with Renee also wearing a white dress and Gorsha dressed in a white shirt with beige pants. They have speed and a nice lift where Renee looks like a figurine (know there's another word for this, LOL) on the prow of a ship, Gorsha being the ship, LOL. Alexei then comes out, dressed in a romantic white shirt with very tight beige pants. Yep, that's the kind of costume we like. ;) He does an effortless looking triple toe and triple loop. Alexei looks very fluid and graceful - a different look for him than his usual attack and power. Meno & Sand are dressed the same as Roca & Sur. They did a nice death spiral. The group as a whole did spirals and spins in unison, more or less.
   Steven Cousins has the next solo program. He is skating to "Higher" by Creed and is wearing a black mesh top with burgundy leather pants. SOI costumer Jef Billings is our man, yes! ;) Elements were butterfly, spiral, camel/back camel spin, wonky double lutz, double axel, camel/sit/back sit spin, tuck jump, triple sal, spiral, cross foot spin, triple toe, flying sit spin, two Russian splits, and I think he added a triple toe but stepped out of it. Not his best, but fun.
   Josee Chouinard was the next skater, wearing a pretty two piece turquoise outfit, sparkly skirt and darker, satin top. She skated to "Can't Fight the Moonlight" by LeAnn Rimes. Elements were a wonky single axel, double lutz, fast layback, triple toe, spiral, gorgeous spread eagle into what I think was a triple toe, and finishing with a nice cross foot spin. Very dancey program.
   Scott Hamilton was next, skating to his golf clubs number, "Double Bogey Blues." He starts off swinging a golf club and hits an imaginary ball into water and a duck quacks. Elements were a double lutz, butterfly, triple toe that might have been a double, barrel rolls, camel/sit spin combo, Russian split, two double axels, backflip over the golf bag. Very well received program.
   Roca & Sur come out, wearing charcoal gray costumes. Their skating looks effortless, with lots of speed and cool lifts. They skated to "Everything Must Change" by Nina Simone. I liked the spin where Gorsha holds Renee by her knees upside down.There was also one where he holds her by her waist with one hand - must take strength to do that.
   Brian Orser has the next cold spot. He's wearing all black with a sparkly front. He is skating to "Against All Odds" by Phil Collins. Elements are a double axel, triple sal, camel, backflip, butterfly, single axel, double axel, butterfly into back sit spin, straight line footwork, scratch spin. His usual fluid yet crisp performance.
   Bourne & Kraatz performed their OD program to their "Jumpin' Jack/Big Spender" medley. They were wearing black, and Shae's dress had silver trim. I really like this OD - I thought they got robbed in Vancouver at Worlds in the OD. (sniff) I like the SBS straightline footwork down the middle. Skated with sass and verve, finished with their distinctive hydroblade move.
   Kurt Browning was next, skating to Gary Moore's "Bring Him Home" wearing medium gray pants with a lighter gray shirt. Elements were a lovely spiral, beautiful triple toe, intricate and difficult footwork, camel spin with unusual positions, more interesting footwork, single axel, two double axels, nice spread eagle into something I can't decipher from my notes, LOL...Another lovely spiral. Beautiful, serious program from Kurt, although I don't really like the music.
   A group program called "Tunnel Vision" was next. This is a different version than the U.S. version, and I think the U.S. version was best. For one thing, the dialogue was clearly written with the specific skaters in mind, and in making substitutions with skaters and using the same dialogue just doesn't work. For example, Tara was perfect for the "clearing karma" bit, but Kurt just looks silly doing it. And using a line meant for Ilia Kulik (the Leonardo DiCaprio lookalike reference) makes no sense for Alexei. That said, it's still a fun number.
   Alexei comes out for "Mr. Big Stuff" in green leather pants and a purple shirt, and struts his stuff quite nicely. ;) Those of you who are pining for certain pelvic moves from "Stand By Me" in Ice Chips will find them right here. ;) Okay, I know I whined about this sort of thing for "SBM," but for this number it is fine, since the number is almost a Chippendale's type program anyway, LOL....I think he did a butterfly and two triple toes, but I have no real idea :lol - think I was distracted by his leather pants.... ;) After his "Mr. Big Stuff" strut, Alexei sits down on a chair on the ice near the end of the rink and props up his foot while the rest of the cast finish the number. My favorite part of this ensemble program, besides Alexei, is Denis Petrov as Shaft and Scott as Mini-Me. Very funny! Kurt is his typical hilarious self, and Todd Sand being funky was very funny, too.
   Intermission - at this point, we decide we are not happy with our seats and move down to first row seats which had been empty that Kim spotted. The ushers didn't seem to care, only asking me not to put my foot on the chair, LOL...
   The "Terminator" chairs program is first up. It went pretty smoothly except at one point Denis lost his chair - he had come too close to the edge of the ice and chose to slide off the chair and grab it rather than wipe out a couple people in the first row of the on ice seats.... :lol
   Maria was next, skating to "Dance With Me" by Debelah Morgan and wearing a sexy, two piece black outfit. Missed seeing her first jump, but caught the tail end of it - it might have been a triple toe with a slightly wonky landing. She also appeared to step out of her triple loop, but the double axel was okay. Other elements were a camel spin, spiral, fast layback spin. Very cute program skated with spunk, LOL...
   Alexei was next, skating to his exhibition version of "Gladiator" with an extra triple toe in it. The beginning of the music has been changed slightly and something has been added to give him time to get to his starting point before the spotlights come on. This was his best version of "Gladiator" of the three shows I saw. Elements were a nice triple flip, great triple axel, leaping footwork, easy looking triple toe, butterfly, hydroblade into a sort of slide move into his one rolling on ice sequence, (Kim's happy at this point, LOL), camel/back camel, spread eagle into triple loop, which he puts a hand down on - only flaw in program, but it didn't disrupt it - slide move, pancake spin, rousing footwork, triple toe, final footwork, camel/sit/back sit and something I can't read, LOL... Great crowd reaction - in fact, it is the first one of the night. We hold up the banner, but don't think he saw it because of the show lighting.
   Kurt is next with his "Don't Fence Me In" program in his blue cowboy costume. This is a comic number from versatile Kurt. Elements were big double axel to start, triple toe - lots of fun playing with Josee and the lasso.
   Meno & Sand come out, with Todd wearing beige pants and a pink shirt and Jenni wearing a pretty pink dress. They skate to Bonnie Raitt's "I Can't Make You Love Me." I liked the lift where Jenni is draped over Todd. The death spiral was very nice. Good throw jump but I didn't catch the entry. Another nice death spiral. I like the swing down dismount on one of their lifts.
   Brian comes out for his second solo spot. He's wearing black, shiny pants with what looks like a black paint spattered white shirt, LOL. Elements were a double axel, camel spin, didn't catch one jump, triple toe, what I think is a knee slide (can't read my notes, LOL), another double axel, scratch spin, and backflip.
   Bourne & Kraatz - skated to "L'Histoire D'Amour" - think "Love Story" with vocals, wearing beautiful blue dress for Shae, blue shirt/black pants for Victor. This is a beautiful program - speed, nice dance spins, another hydroblade finish.
   Kurt is next with his awesome flamenco program to Hans Zimmer's "Nyah." He's wearing a bery nice black muscle shirt. This is what we want to see from Alexei next - who would wear it better than Alexei? ;) Pleeeeeeeeeeeez? :lol Standing ovation for "Nyah," and why not. No jumps, just fantastic, Spanish-flavored footwork and leaps.
   Scott comes out for his final program, "My Way" - half serious, half comical. Elements were double lutz, triple toe, camel spin, nimble footwork, tuck/split jump, triple sal, followed by two double axels, two Russian splits, and two backflips. Standing O, of course.
   Finale, "If It's Magic" - Shae and Renee come out in white dresses, the guys are wearing deep blue shirts and black pants. Victor and Todd come out first. Brian then comes out and does a nice delayed axel, Kurt does a double axel. Kurt and Brian do unison double axels. Maria, Alexei, and Denis come out. Nice spread eagle from Alexei. Maria, Alexei, Scott, and Denis do unison butterflies, then Brian and Alexei do unison Russian splits.
   When they are mostly finished, the skaters line up facing us and at our end. We hold up the banner, and Alexei, who has just been generally waving and smiling, sees it and breaks out into a big grin and we get energetic waving from him. We energetically wave back, LOL.
   Great skating from Alexei. I'm sure he would have liked to have had this "Gladiator" performance in Hamilton for the taping, but it was not to be.
   I was stricken by Alexei's skating in the group numbers. It was interesting to see "understated Alexei," toning down his usually more aggressive approach, and going for the effortless, elegant, and graceful look.


   We ran into Ina in the mall, LOL...
   The venue is much smaller than Toronto's and more intimate. The crowd was also much more your typical Canadian audience - super enthusiastic about everything, and just happily waiting for an excuse to stand up for someone, LOL. It was an excellent crowd for the taping for the CSOI broadcast - practically everyone stayed for the retakes and seemed to be having a merry old time, LOL. You definitely knew this was the show being taped - two boom cameras and several still cameras were in evidence. Security was tighter here, too. We had managed to see part of the practice in Toronto - Scott, Josee, and Meno & Sand - no one seemed to care and no one asked us to leave. But here in Hamilton, there was no way, LOL...
   Since the programs were the same as the Toronto show, I will just point out the differences:
   Steven was more "on" this night. He started with a nice triple lutz instead of the wonky double he had done in Toronto. I think he stepped out of his triple toe or triple sal, though.
   Josee also had a better night. Her double axel was good and a big triple lutz was even better.
   Scott was also "on." Managed a triple lutz instead of the double lutzes at the other shows.
   Bourne & Kraatz were just beloved here - crowd clapped along for their OD.
   At intermission, Nicole came by to say "Hi!" Sandra Bezic walked by us twice.
   First fall of the night was Maria's. I think she fell on her triple loop. Kurt also fell once. Alexei fell on what was a gigantic triple axel attempt. I think he was trying too hard to make it spectacular. He looked angry with himself after the fall. He also two footed his triple loop. But his footwork was great, and the majority of the program still worked very effectively. Crowd loved him.
   His "Mr. Big Stuff" in Tunnel Vision was exceptionally naughty, LOL - must have been for the benefit of the cameras.... ;) We had a bery, bery good view from our front row seats right where he skated this program. He added several moves most definitely not in the Toronto or Kitchener shows. We notice these kinds of details. ;)
   Um....where was I? Oh, the retakes... :lol After the finale, Scott or Kurt or somebody announced there would be retakes for the broadcast and would the crowd please stay. Like they needed to be asked, LOL! This was fun - more skating! :D
   Brian redid parts of his program. I don't remember what was wrong with his, but I guess he wanted to rework it.
   Josee came out and redid several jumps and sections. She told us it wasn't her fault, LOL... Kurt and Josee also worked on their lasso sections together.
   When Alexei came out, Sandra told him he needed to reskate his program because he had flipped his pattern, and then asked him if he was going to do it correctly this time. Alexei turned to her with a puzzled look, skated around in a couple small circles for a minute, then turned back to her and said, "I have no idea what you are talking about, Sandra." He then pretended to menace her with the daggers - everyone laughed. Sandra then said something like, "Well, we'll just follow you as best we can." He redid part of his program, redoing the axel and loop jumps, and moved some sections, repeated some spins, pretended to need to brush off the ice before lying down on it, to much laughter. He did reverse some of his moves, but since he didn't reskate his entire program, I don't know how they will splice it together. They may just replace the two jumps and have to live with the flipped pattern. For those who also didn't understand what Sandra was talking about, LOL, she meant that Alexei had oriented his program or just parts of it to the other side of the rink. They probably agree on which is the judges' side, even though there are no judges, and Alexei oriented his program or certain sections of it to the other side. The reason this matters is the lighting people pre-set the lighting to the pattern they expect the skater to make, and if it changes, the lighting is much tougher to do. But maybe Sandra could have simply told him he oriented his program to the wrong side, which might have been clearer to Alexei than "flipped your pattern."


   I like Kitchener! I like the town, I like the venue, I like the venue staff, LOL. Couldn't have been friendlier or more helpful if they had tried. And Kim and I would never have ended up with on ice, front row seats without their help. Even the security guys were really nice, LOL. Anyway, I can't wait to come back for the GP Finals here. :)
   We ran into Nicole and Klara when we got our new seats, and they told us about the practice with Alexei and his sleeveless shirt - waaaah! :lol We had been in the practice earlier, and had seen Alexei twice, but he was still wearing his sweater at that time - darn! ;) But he definitely knew we were all here.... :lol

Differences from the Toronto show:
   I think most of the skaters were a little off today. They had had to skate late the night before, and this was an afternoon show the very next day. I think they were all pretty tired puppies.
   Scott stepped out of his triple sal, Steven's triple lutz almost went off the ice, LOL. Josee doubled her lutz. Brian doubled his sal and toe loop. Shae-Lynn fell on the hydroblade move at the end of their OD. Kurt doubled his sal.

Kim and Gorsha, LOL:
   I'm now very suspicious, LOL - Alexei was looking over at us and smiling before Gorsha went after Kim, LOL - I'm wondering if it was "planned." During the Tunnel Vision program, when it was Gorsha's turn to do his sexy stuff, he went over to a woman up in the stands in front of him, then he abandoned her and went over to Kim, pulled her up out of her chair and bent her over in a clinch. I was laughing, Alexei was laughing. The people around us were laughing. Gorsha then went over to another woman and fooled around with her, then he came back to Kim and gave her his skate guards to hold. Then it was intermission, and we had several people come down to laugh with us about the whole thing.
   Maria fell on a triple - didn't catch what it was. Alexei seemed determined to get though his program without falling, but he doubled his flip and loop, and put a hand down on the triple axel. I think the two triple toes were good. His footwork was awesome, and he was rewarded with a standing ovation, the first of the night. Our end got an extra wave when he was taking his bows.
   Josee tripped on her rope and she and Kurt left out some of the lasso number. Brian doubled his toe loop. Scott had probably his almost best program. No triple lutz tonight, but a 2LZ, 3T, 3T, 3S, 2A, 2A, 2A program is nothing to sneeze at for an old guy! :lol
   And during the finale, we held up the banner. Kurt spotted it and alerted Alexei, then Kurt pretended to get all excited and was going to run over to us himself, but Alexei grabbed him and stopped him, as if to say no, those are *my* fans.... :lol I lost track of Alexei at this point to fiddle with the banner, and the next time I looked up, he was right there approaching Kim to give her a hug. I could see then that I was going to get one, which I expected, because I knew there was no way Alexei would hug Kim and not me, too - he has not shown any signs of any death wish tendencies.... :lol :lol :lol But the kiss was a surprise, LOL...the woman sitting next to me grabbed his arm to get her own kiss, the brazen hussy, but he begged off because he had to get back to the other skaters for the final bows. And, basically, after that, Kim and I were total basket cases, just looking at each other and laughing, completely befuddled about where we were supposed to meet Brenda, and it took us twenty-five minutes before we found her. We did run into Nicole and Klara before we found Brenda, and they were waiting for the skaters to come out to the bus. Shae-Lynn and Victor had left by car, but had signed autographs, and Scott Hamilton came out by accident, thinking the bus was there, but it wasn't, it was a different bus. But he graciously signed autographs before going back inside. When we met Nicole and Klara at the Sheraton later, they said they had seen the bus leaving, and Alexei was leaning out the window, waving to fans, wearing his orange T-shirt we saw in the IFS issue. They said he looked very, very happy. :) :) :)



Brenda's Funny Story

   I better tell the story about the lady sitting next to me at one of the shows. If I don't, Laurie may hurt me soon. :eek :eek :eek
   I was just sitting there, minding my own business...... Hey, I told you it was a story. ;) Really, I was just sitting there innocently. (insert Klara's angel emoticon here) :lol
   Alexei skates out of the tunnel for "Mr. Big Stuff" and a woman sitting a few seats over gasped and then stated, "He deserves to be spanked."
   I'm pretty sure she was referring to what he was wearing. ;)
   Later on during the program Alexei flirts with the girls on the ice. Yes, I realize that 'flirt' is stating it gently. :lol After observing this the same woman said, "Oh, and I'll do it." :lol :lol :lol :lol It was very difficult to keep a straight face. :b



Klara's Review

   For the first show in Toronto I didn't have a ticket when i arrived in Toronto but ended up with 6th Row, and we managed to get 7th row for Carole. Not bad considering this was Toronto. Alexei was in that end a lot of the time. I didn't take notes on the performances and it can get alittle confusing remembering the differences in each show. Alexei was really great in "Gladiator" this night. I loved the lighting and music effects even before he started. It really added to the feeling of the program. I think he was very on this night. He did a great triple Axel. The guy sitting next to me said "wow I really like this guy". This show went very well and the unison in every group program was right on.
   In Hamilton this night was special in the fact that they put this show on tape. Therefore with the retakes, we got to see almost all the skaters longer including Alexei of course. Scott mentioned how Hamilton has always been such a great audience they decided to tape the show there. He was right for all the retakes the audience were clapping along and helping the skaters. The performances over all on this night was very strong, the skaters went for everything. Nicole came and got me for the second half so i changed seats and went to the opposite side closer to the middle. I was very happy about this since Alexei in this program of Gladiator had changed his laying on the ice to my side and I could really see his eyes, and facial expressions very well. During retakes Sandra mentioned to Alexei he flipped his pattern so I was just lucky this ended up at my side. Alexei even got a standing ovation during retakes. He loved the audience and they loved him.
   Kitchener ended up to be the most special show to me even though the performance were better in Toronto and Hamilton. Since the skaters had the retakes the night before and traveled to another city they were tired. Nicole and i ended up at Ice Level at the opposite side of Laurie and Kim, close to where Alexei dances a little with Josee in the "Mr Big Stuff" program. I loved sitting this close as you could clearly see every skaters expression. Ice level is definitely a wonderful place to sit. Nicole and i were very lucky. Alexei this night like every night we attended got a standing ovation. He was a little more tired in this program, and triples were more difficult but it didn't stop him from giving everything again. I heard the woman 2 seats away say after Alexei skated "Now that's what real skating is." This made me happy :) Pity Alexei never gets to hear what the audience says. I heard such warm comments about him every night.
   I would say the best audience was in Hamilton but the Kitchener rink felt quite warm and friendly and more personal. It wasn't in a big city like the other 2 nights. During Kitchener Nicole and i went to the practice which again made me very happy. This is what made it the most memorable of the 3 nights.
   Alexei wore a dusty green sleeveless shirt and beige drawstring pants. I don't know a colour that doesn't suit Alexei :lol I can tell you he looked very good ;) While Alexei skated towards our side of the rink he looked at us and i said "hi" and smiled. He said "hi" and gave me a nice smile and wave. He did several single Axels and then triple Axel at our side of the rink. Also a triple loop and toe. My eyes were drawn to Alexei so I didn't pay a lot of attention on the other skaters but saw Maria attempting triple-triples and she was working very hard. I was impressed she was trying difficult jumps since they were tired from the retakes the night before. R&S were practicing. I can't say I wouldn't mind a dance lesson from Gorsha. I think Alexei would be a good partner too now since i saw all his dance moves in the group numbers during the shows.. :lol
   All of us were lucky to get such great seats for this night. I was pleased Kim and Laurie ended up in the right corner for Alexei to have time to hug them at the end, and it was the funniest thing watching Gorsha head towards Kim. Even though i ended up not getting a lot of sleep during this trip it was definitely worth it. Each night was different from the next. I must be such a real fan of skating as i enjoyed every night of the show. There was always something new I noticed that I hadn't the night before. I probably know where most of the skaters have their elements in their program now :lol I also liked that I could pay more attention to certain elements such as footwork and lifts from different angles. Audience reactions can be different each night. I think this is what makes skating this so interesting for the skaters. One performance one night may not get the skating ovation it did the night before. However I have to say that Gladiator and Nyah seemed to be the 2 program that all the audiences loved. Alexei should be proud that he can bring the audience to their feet evey night. This is not something all skaters could do, especially so young. It must feel wonderful for the skater as well to know they are appreciated for their work.
