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Photos of My Skating
Summer Nights on IceSun Valley 2000 | COI - Summer 2000 | SOI - 2001 | CSOI - 2001 | COI - Summer 2002


Figure Skating

Life Experiences

Hey, I don't look that bad in a skating skirt!


I actually bend my knees! Wow!

Holding an RBO edge Either aborting an RBO edge or doing lousy back cross-strokes.. Setting up for a lousy spin....Speaking of which...(next set of photos..)

Argh! I can't spin!
Me, after another nasty fall on a spin: "Okay, spins are too dangerous! Let's do something safer, like jumps!"
This is obviously not a sitspin day - I was desperately fighting the urge to tip over to the right. Well, if my sitspins look like this on a really bad day, my good ones ought to be a lot better, right? Backspin! (Urgh somebody help me!) This is was before I had my epiphany of kicking the free hip out on the entrance, but they're still really least they're on the right edge...kinda....