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Figure Skating

Life Experiences

   LOL the SOI trip was considerably more trouble than our COI trip last year. Total gridlock on the highway and a huge throng of people stood in front of the entrance! We love our figure skating, LOL! Or else everyone had heard that this was going to be Scott’s last year, which probably happened.
   Our seats were on the short end again, but this time we were far far far! Way up on the upper levels! Of course this is what happens when you get complimentary seats the week before. I’m telling you, the lower levels were packed to the brim! If it was any consolation, I could see the whole rink from my seat, but I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to identify the jumps from this distance. LOL we didn’t even bother to bring the camera, since we don’t have a big enough lens (like Kim, LOL) but we did bring some binoculars. My dad used them most of the time – you tend to miss jumps when you’ve got your face stuck in them. Also with me were my trusty notepad and pen, LOL.
   The program had lots of nice piccies in it, but no stats like the COI program did. I never thought that Kristi was exceptionally pretty, but in those photos, she was gorgeous! Tara looked so cute on her page! I never really thought that Ilia looked like Leo DiCaprio either, but in this one certain photo he was almost a dead-ringer! LOL! A performance list was included, which was nice, LOL, considering my family often had no clue who was on the ice. After the show started, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I could recognize most of the skaters. (Tara with the long blonde hair, Jenni with the pony-tail, Todd with Jenni, Kurt with the thinning hairline, Renee with the short brown hair, Gorsha with Renee, Ilia with the loose blonde hair, Denis as the tall one, Kristi with the long black hair, Yuka with the short black hair, Steve as the short-brown haired guy, and Scott as the short bald guy who everyone cheered for!) The theme was Scott’s farewell, as everyone probably expected.
   What was kinda annoying was the paint on the ice. The arena had the boards removed (which I guess they do for every show, since some skaters jumped off the ice to say hi after the closing number to the people sitting practically on the ice) (wonder how much they paid for those seats!) and instead had sponsors’ names all over the ice instead! It was distracting when there was some funky lighting going on.

Opening Number (Let’s Get It On)
   I don’t have a lot of notes for this, except that it was very nicely choreographed. I don’t think there were any jumps, just lifts from all of the skaters.

Scott Hamilton (I Got You/I Feel Good and A Song for You)

  • 1ax, 2sal, some cool stag leaps
   It looked like a 1ax to me, but it might have been a double. LOL I’m kinda frustrated with the axel jumps, since I get confused by the extra half-rotation! I do remember the jump as being on my side of the rink, sigh…He really got the crowd going. For the “Song for You,” my sister leaned over, and asked, “Who’s that?” and I answered, “Just a local kid!” LOL! The little boy was so cute, looked around 9 years old! And he was good, too! Did a pretty decent sitspin.

Group Number (Reaching for the Stars)
  • Kurt: 2ax, 3sal
   I loved this number most out of the whole show! In the beginning, Tara comes out just doing edges (a la Dorothy Hamill) and it was some of the most beautiful skating I’ve ever seen from her. Then Renee, Gorsha, Kurt, Jenni, and Todd come out doing the same thing. Renee and Gorsha do some lovely lifts, and Jenni and Todd did some too. Kurt was the only one who jumped. Beautiful number. I love edges so much! I wish I could do them! :lol

Steven Cousins (Higher)
  • 3lz, 2ax, 2sal (3? Weird – had a leg wrap), 3f, 3t
   I liked the smooth music transition from one performance to the next. It made the show more seamless. :) Anyway, I LOVE THIS SONG so somebody finally skating to it was a treat! Steve can really perform!

Kristi Yamaguchi (Desert Rose)
  • 3lz, 2ax, 3lp (step out), 3t
   LOL I love this song, too, but I kinda wished that she used the original song for the whole program, instead of putting in the funky mix version in the second half. The hand movements didn’t annoy me as much as that one-foot glide diagonally down the rink where she moves her arms and legs in a strange way. :\ Urgh. Her jumps still look good, kudos to her for still doing them!

Ilia Kulik (Drive/Driven)
  • 2ax, 3f, 2ax, 3t, 3t
   Ilia can do hip and funky all right! 8) His two lunges into the 2ax were really cool. Everyone cheered when he fell into that half-split and got back up only using his legs! Wow! :eek It amazes me how he finishes his jump rotation so early, and seems to take his sweet time coming back down to earth! So light!

Scott Hamilton (Double Bogey Blues)
  • 3lz, 3t, 2ax, 2ax (turn out)
   This was such a cute and funny number! LOL I didn’t realize how short Scott was until I saw him in that outfit! :eek It was so funny how the music was timed to his moves and plus they had some cool lighting going on for this one! Everyone was amazed at how he backflipped over the bag at the end! LOL I need to figure out how he gets that club to fly out of the bag... :) At the end, a group of people somewhere screamed out, “We love you Scott!”

Renee Roca & Gorsha Sur (Everything Must Change)
   This was a nice program, although I thought that the music was a bit blah. Amazing lifts, though! Very nice skating.

Kurt Browning (Nyah – it’s last track from the M:I2 soundtrack)
   I loved this program! Kurt is the FOOTWORK GOD!! The sad part was that the audience wasn’t that into it. :( (Ain’t Kurt in a tank top enough for them to like the program, LOL?) I think the people who were really into figure skating enjoyed it more than the casual fan, considering how many people on FSW, Skatefans, et al really liked it. My sister confessed later, “I was waiting for him to jump!” No, sis, you don’t wait for Kurt to jump, you wait for Kurt to do footwork! :) The first half of the program was just Latin-ish dancing, and boy, can Kurt dance! :D Then near the end he goes into this amazing straight-line footwork sequence that was fast, precise, and pure Kurt! :D :D :D Only a few people clapped though. :( At the end of the program, he motions for the audience to clap, and does footwork to the accelerating rhythm. It was really cool! It was just a pity that most of the audience was looking for jumps and tricks.  

Tara Lipinski (Dance with Me)
  • 3t (almost), 3sal
   LOL, at the end somebody from our corner in the lower level screamed, “GO TARA!” I must say, she looked painfully skinny during the whole show. She was cute and upbeat as always, and I think this program suited her better than the “Genie in a Bottle” one last year. LOL the first time I heard this song, I was like, “Hey! That’s ‘Hernando’s Hideaway!’ What the heck?!” :lol

Group Number (Tunnel Vision)
   LOL, this was so cute and funny! The whole cast got out and talked about each other’s alter egos when they’re backstage. The mike work during this worked fine. Scott as Shaft’s (Denis) sidekick was hilarious! And the Detroiter, wow! SANDMAN! Whee! :rollin Gorsha was a hoot as well, playing the cast’s Romeo and going up into the audience to victimize some poor woman! (Scott: “Gorsha, put her down!” :lol ) Tara was cute too! :D

Intermission: I, as usual, was trying to fix my notes. My mom was asking what the heck I was doing, and she was amazed that I could tell the jumps apart.

“Hey, why don’t you become a judge?” she asked.
“Mom, it’s not a paying job. They volunteer.”
“Oh. Then, how about a choreographer?” :lol
Kristi Yamaguchi, Jenni Meno, and Denis Petrov (Both Sides Now)
   LOL, I thought that Jenni was Tara, but I got a little suspicious when she and Denis did a pair spin. (“Hey, Tara learns fast!” :lol ) When they all did double axels, I realized that no, it was not Tara, LOL. Denis can lift anyone! I was amazed that Kristi was willing to go into overhead lifts, until it dawned on me later that she had been a pair skater originally. Duh. :p Cool program!

Renee Roca, Gorsha Sur, Ilia Kulik, Steven Cousins, Kurt Browning (Chairmen)
   This was cool! The only thing that really annoyed me was the weird vocal thing in the music. ("What the heck are they saying?!") It really reminded me of those Intel Pentium commercials on TV, LOL!

Tara Lipinski and Ilia Kulik (Moanin’)
   I think that this was supposed to be a program with Ilia and Katia in it, but Tara did pretty well. She was cute in the beginning, looking at him like, “Hellooooo…” But once they started skating, it was pretty obvious that they were mismatched. A lot of times, their unison needed some major work, and their styles are totally different. Ilia’s hip and suave didn’t mesh with Tara’s cute and upbeat, LOL.

Yuka Sato (Take My Hand)
  • 3lp, 1t (rushed into it), 2ax (turn out), 3sal (almost)
   Whoever said that Yuka was a skater’s skater…ITA!! She flows so well across the ice, and her footwork is so light! I couldn’t see her cute smile though. :( I really like this program though it the music kind of dies at the end so we couldn’t figure when to clap, LOL.

Kurt Browning (Don’t Fence Me In)
  • 3ax (fall), 3sal, 3t-2t (fall on second jump), 2ax, 2ax, 2ax, 2ax
   Both times he fell, I thought he was going to make it, but his foot slipped on the landing.  :( We cheered him anyway for the effort. (I had to explain to my jump-clueless family why he fell twice. No one else even tried a triple axel or a 3-2.) He got a huge reaction from the audience at the beginning and the ending. I liked Nyah considerably better, but the audience liked the jumps and tricks (not to mention butt-wiggling ;) ) in this one. (When walking out, I overheard a couple of women discussing the athleticism of the skaters: “Did you see that guy do the one-armed pushup?!” :lol ) LOL my dad was like, “WOW!” by the third axel in the sequence! :lol I liked this program better live than on TV. The first time I saw it on TV, I thought it was ew. It was cute, at the beginning of the program where he went into the on-ice-level audience and put his hat on some guy’s head, then picked it up near the end of the program!

Kristi Yamaguchi (Let ‘er Rip)
  • ? (I totally missed it. Landed though), 3f, 3t
   I was so occupied watching Kristi get roped by Kurt (and her reaction), that I forgot to write her down, LOL! I was just doing so when the audience cheered and I looked up just in time to see her land something. Poo. >: It was not an axel jump, judging by the straight-line set up. This was fun program and she really got into it. LOL the whole time, Kurt was on the ice still trying to rope her!

Kristi, Kurt, Denis, Steven, Renee, Gorsha (Sin Wagon)
   LOL everyone just came out in cowboy getup! :lol I don’t have a lot of notes for this either, except that it was FUN!

Jenni Meno & Todd Sand (I Can’t Make You Love Me)
   This program suits them so much! I love their flow over the ice as well. I had to go “AWWWW!!!” at some parts!

Ilia Kulik (Rockit)
  • 3lz, 3t, 2ax (out of nowhere!), 3t
   I loved the beginning with the toy chest! I really like this here funky program! :D I was amazed at his 2ax; it was entered with absolutely no speed at all! I wrote here “footwork – wow!” I liked his chin stand, too, but from my angle it looked like he didn’t have a head! :lol The cantilever on his boots was really cool! Everyone cheered at his half-split sequence as well. Needless to say he got a huge audience reaction at the end. :D

Tara Lipinski (Tiny Dancer)
  • 3t, 3t
   I thought this program was so cute, especially the beginning with the swing! Tara plays upbeat hip very well. :D

Scott Hamilton (My Way)
  • 1ax (delayed), 2lz, 3t, 3t, 3sal, 2ax, 2ax, 2ax, backflip, backflip
   Whoever did the vocals for this – I love you! He pronounced his t’s! YAY! :D :D :D (Sorry, as a choirgirl, it irks me that nobody pronounces their t’s anymore! :D ) LOL this was so funny! It was “My Way” with some musical interludes and quirks thrown in. (“And I stand tall….TALL??!!!” :lol :lol :lol ) At one point the music ran amuck with Sabre Dance! Whee! :rollin At the end of the performance, he got a standing ovation!

Closing Numbers
   This was a touching ending to the show, with everyone standing while Scott skates over to everyone. At the end of the show, everyone stood up and clapped like there was no tomorrow! LOL this time I was prepared, putting away my notepad and pen extra early. :) I think the fact that this was Scott’s last year made it extra special.