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Kim's Experience 

at Sun Valley

Alexei getting a little sun, a rare occurrence that weekend, LOL...
Summer Nights on IceSun Valley 2000 | COI - Summer 2000 | SOI - 2001 | CSOI - 2001

Laurie's reports
     Kim's first sighting of Alexei
     Kim's practice photos of Alexei
     Laura's stills of Alexei's practices

The Show
Laurie's general show review
     Laurie on Alexei's performances
     Kim's review of the show
     Janice's review
     Laura's screen stills of the show!

Laurie on being backstage
     Kim's out-of-body experience

   OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! (Did you guys really think I'd start my report any other way, LOL?). I have met Alexei, seen him practice, seen BOTH of the competitive programs he will be using in the new season, and had his arm around me (and vice versa). It just doesn't get any better (well, it COULD but I'm trying desperately NOT to breach decorum, at least in my report, LOL).
   I really don't know where to start. Don't want to repeat everything Laurie has already said. I guess I have to begin with.......

THE FIRST TIME EVER I SAW YOUR FACE (for you youngsters out there, this was a song awhile back by Roberta Flack, LOL)

   Laurie already mentioned how I spotted Alexei standing at the edge of the rink the first time. You guys should be proud of me. No screaming, no fainting, no running after him, no dialing 911 (sorry you had to drag that cell phone along for nothing, Janice).
   We had been sitting there just chatting when I looked over and all of a sudden my (Alexei) radar went up. Not wanting to look stupid and say, "Uh, Laurie, I think Alexei is here" and have it turn out be a hotel guest I instead kept talking to her and quietly pulled out my camera with the 300 mm zoom on it. I knew I could make a positive determination if I looked through the zoom. Laurie noted that I was initially alerted by the broad shoulders and the blond hair. But what made me go for the camera was hearing an accent when the guy spoke to one of the skaters (which in retrospect should have given it away anyway---duh)). As soon as I looked through the lens I knew it was him, of course. I put my hand on Laurie's back and said (sort of breathlessly), "Laurie, he's HERE!". Will have to admit at that point there WAS a momentary loss of control. I didn't scream (but thought about it, LOL) and when I brought the camera back up to my face it was noticeably shaking. I was just thinking, "OMG!!! He's here and I'm actually looking at him" And, "WOW", did he look good. Just liked he'd stepped off the pages of GQ. Impeccably dressed, perfectly coiffed, and as if to assure us, that yes, it was him, he casually reached up and brushed his hair away from his face. Ahhh, yes, he was looking FINE.

Still in awe...

   Needless to say, we just sat there mesmerized and soaked it all in while he watched the skaters and chatted on his cell phone. When he finally walked away we were satisfied knowing that he was there and lookin' good. We never imagined that he wasn't actually leaving at that point and that we'd end up having our lunch on the patio a mere 50 ft. from him. Ahhhh yes. Yet another advantage to be found at Sun Valley.

The Aftershock...

Having now seen Alexei in all his glory off the ice I then became very intent on seeing him skate. This initially surprised Laurie, I think. She was pleasantly pleased to learn that I really do appreciate Alexei's skating and that it's not all about highlights and bodysuits (well, MOSTLY, but not ALL, LOL). Never dreamed that getting to see him skate would be such an ordeal. Because THAT'S when the rain set in and began wreaking havoc with all our plans. Talk about "raining on your parade". It did literally, in our case.....

Onward to the next practice!

Check out Kim's other practice photos here!