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Laura's Screen Stills

of the Sun Valley Practices

Summer Nights on IceSun Valley 2000 | COI - Summer 2000 | SOI - 2001 | CSOI - 2001

     Laurie's reports
     Kim's first sighting of Alexei
     Kim's practice photos of Alexei
     Laura's stills of Alexei's practices

The Show
     Laurie's general show review
     Laurie on Alexei's performances
     Kim's review of the show
     Janice's review
     Laura's screen stills of the show!

     Laurie on being backstage
     Kim's out-of-body experience

Here are Laura's screen stills of a few of Alexei's practices at Sun Valley! More might be coming, but it just depends on whether I feel like putting them up, LOL! I chose these 27 stills out of the 100+ that were available, so I'm pretty picky!

Click on the thumbnails! You can drag them around too, provided you've got the proper browser...


First days...

Hair flick! Darn you Julie for claiming this first! Oh well, I still have his fuzzy pup!


Yup, nothing like going to the rink early in the morning, bright and chipper...

Do I spy a new pendant?

Fellow skaters..

Alexei talking to Steven Cousins

And Sasha Cohen borrowed Janice's umbrella and was goofing around with it...luckily she didn't impale anyone!

LOL! After a botched flip jump, Alexei broke off a huge piece of ice. Steven Cousins came over to help Alexei put the ice chunk back!

"Ummmm..let's put it back in the hole, pat it a little bit...There! All better!"

Wanna see the whole collection?

Laurie's page is here...and here...and here! Oh! And here too! LOL!