Wolf Hybrids

This is my huskey/wolf hybrid dog when she was 3 months old. Her name is Spirit.

What is a Wolf Hybrid?


If you have a Wolf Hybird, things to remember:

  • They do not make good watch dogs, they rarely bark. They tend to stay away from strangers and people fro outside of the family. If a stranger was to enter the yard/home they would pace back and forth, maybe bark a couple of times, and "check" them out. They will most likely howl instead of bark, whenever they are scared or lonely. If protection is what you are seeking in your dog, please choose a breed of animal that would full fill your need and want in the dog.
  • They can be very distructive, due to their high energy level and intelligence. This is very important for the owner to understand. These animals are "pack" oriented, meaning they do better with both humans and other canines. If they become lonely, they tend to be distructive, so keep your puppy occupied with activites and training.
  • They may be able to jump 6 feet into the air, and need appropriate containment and fencing. You will need to provide a safe place for them to sleep and such, espically while on vacation or out of town. It is good to have a large yard for them to run and play in, as well as a kennel or some type of shelter for them to sleep/stay in.
  • They LOVE to dig large holes and tunnels throughout their yard.Digging is a nartural behavoir for them, and in the summer time they will try and dig a den, so they may stay cool.
  • They should NEVER be chained up, as with any canine. As this causes them to be protective of a smaller area of space. Chaining up your dog is by no means acceptable containment!
  • They also need plenty of exercise daily, due to their high energy level. It is good to have another canine with this type of breed for them to play with while you are away from home, maybe at work or school.
  • They can be raised as a loving family companion. But as well as with any large canine, need to be supervised around small childern. They are not protective animals, but they are loyal to their owners.
  • They have a high intelligence and skill solving abilities. For example, if they see another animal jump over a fence, they would be able to do it just by watching.
  • They need a special diet of high protein foods, they will have some trouble digesting kibble that is "corn meal" based. They also do better if their diet is supplemented with chicken or other types of meat. The supplemented meat tends to keep their coats shiny and healthy and their digestive system on track. This can be very expensive, but when you have this type of canine, be prepared to spend money on food and treats ;)
  • These types of dogs, are VERY hard to house break, they are ment to be outside dogs, due to because they are the type of breed that is supposed to pull a sled across the Alasken Tundra.

    Here are some more pictures of Spirit. She loves to play with the hose! As well as chew it up :/ Hehe ^.^