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POW-MIA Page 9

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After emailing our local members of Congress and senators, Congressman George P. Radanovich, (R-CA), just sent our class a copy of an issue brief on POW MIA Status Issues dated 18 May 2000.[IB 92101] It includes a discussion of Congressional concerns about Navy LT Michael Speicher's unrecovered body from the Gulf War, January 17, 1991. It also provides background information about reported pows in the Soviet Union, WW2-Vietnam. Pending legislation HR 4205 National Defense Authorization Act, that would require notification of Congress before any reduction of current level of effort in accounting of missing personnel. S.2507 requires the Director of the CIA maintain capability for analytic support for pow-mia recovery. Reported favorably out of committee on May 4, 2000. Suggested topic for concerned citizens to write their representatives about. Congressman Radanovich was the only one of the six to respond with more than a stock email response.

My Adopted MIA

Roger C. Hallberg
S/SGT, US Army Special Forces
MIA, Republic of Vietnam, 1967

Bring Them All Home NOW!

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Adopted MIA

S/SGT Hallberg is not abandoned. Write Congress Now!