In chapter 7, subchapter 5 Alan tells Polly that the last time his son Al
was home it was because he needed to talk to his friend Jimmy Catlin to help
get some of his choicest programs to run on the new Commodore 64. In 1988, a
C-64 was a very old computer.
In Cujo it says that Evelyn Chalmers died on the 30th of June 1980. But in
Needful Things Part 1, Chapter 2, subchapter 1, it says that she died in 1981
In The Dark Half Chapter 16, subchapter 6 we learn that Alan Pangborn's boys
are Todd and Toby. In Needful Things his sons are Al and Todd.
In Grey Matter it says
that Richie would be by Henry's Nite-Owl once a day, to pick up a case of that
days cheapest beer. But a few pages later it says that Timmy brought back a
case of Golden light, as always.
In Trucks it says that
the trucks drove around patrolling outside the diner with their lights turned
on. But on the next page it says that the lights popped up in unison.
In Sometimes They Come Back
Vinnie asks Jim how his brother is and as a reaction to that question, it says
that Jim felt his bladder loosen. And after that happened he goes in to the
classroom to teach!!!
In Graveyard Shift it is said
that bats are rodents. Zoologists generally accept that bats are not rodents.
Chapter 4 says that the moving men brought in a part of Louis and Rachel's
double bed, but later in Chapter 17, when Louis awakes from his nightly journey
together with Pascow, he observes that Rachel's bed is empty. So the double
bed has become twin beds, or what?
Louis dreams that he would discuss wife swapping with Roger and Missy Dandridge
while dreaming in Chapter 16, but later in chapter 36 Roger Dandridge's name
has been changed to David.
After burying Church in chapter 22 it says that Jud only grabbed the pick
and walked off, while Louis took the shovel. But on the following page it says
that Louis handed Jud his pick. A pick that he didn't carry!
In Chapter 9 Louis notices that his daughter always seems to wear dresses
on Sundays, although they don't attend church. But later in Chapter 37, Ellie
tells Louis about Lazarus, whom she has heard about in Sunday School. Does church
and Sunday School not go hand in hand with each other?
Chapter 39 states that Jimmy Baterman died 15 July 1943, but later in Chapter
42 it says that he died on the 19th.
In Chapter 57 Louis rummages through his rather untidy bag, with ampoules
of morphine between the surgical scissors and the surgical tape. Later in Chapter
60, it says that his bag is always arranged neatly.
When Louis filled the syringes with Morphine in chapter 61, he puts them
back in his pocket. Now we all know just how thin the needles are, so why did
they not break? Even the plastic coverings are not all that strong.
When Louis killed Church with the Morphine in chapter 61, it was said that
the syringe fell off and broke. Plastic syringes are pretty hard to break!
In Chapter 61 it says that Rachel had been stabbed a dozen times with Louis'
scalpel. But wouldn't a scalpel break, if it had been used to stab a person
at random a dozen times?
When Louis goes and buries Rachel he carries no shovel or pick. We know from
the earlier burial of Church that the ground is almost solid stone, and too
hard to dig with your bare hands, so how did he dig the grave?, If he used his
hands, why were they not torn to shreads by the stony ground, as we see his
undamaged hands when he is playing cards waiting for Rachel to arrive?- Extra Note Ok, when Louis walks off with
Rachel, he's carrying rachel in his arms, with a long backpack over this shoulders,
now this COULD be big enough to hold a pick or shovel in, but the fact is, that
he COULD of fitted a fold up one in there quite easily.