For the victims and witnesses of the Jan. 10 shootings that killed three and injured two, the psychological recovery is in its third and longest stage.
Soon after the shooting, critical-incident counselors fanned across western Nevada County to help the traumatized.
Then came the time for loved ones and the community to grieve over their losses.
"Now we're really settling into a much longer phase," said Rod Gillespie, director of the county Victim/Witness Assistance Center.
In response to the shootings, the California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board decided that anyone who was at the HEW Building can receive up to $3,000 in therapy. That's about 180 workers.
"Typically what the program will cover is the primary victims," Gillespie said.
Those wounded in the shootings can receive up to $10,000 in therapy. Such victims can receive up to $70,000 to also cover medical expenses and lost wages.
The state board last year doled out $80 million to victims and their relatives, said Sharon Loris, board spokeswoman. The money comes from federal funds and fines paid by criminals.
Meanwhile, Gillespie said, psychological effects from the shootings are varied.
"I've talked to a number of victims who witnessed the shooting, and those people are very traumatized, and they're going through a difficult healing process. We're encouraging them all to be involved in therapy," she said. "We have other victims who seem to be coping very well. Part of it has to do with one's own coping skills."
A Friday meeting for HEW employees will be held to inform them of the services. Lyon's Restaurant employees will be invited as well, Gillespie said.
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