This letter shall serve as an absolute vote of confidence and appreciation for our Battalion Chiefs Spike Newby and Vern Canon. It is a difficult job to supervise, motivate and train such a broad and rugged group of individuals as we have in our fire department. We are aware that as a direct result of their leadership, our district is thriving. Though they have different responsibilities they perform the same functions on emergency scenes. We have every confidence in their abilities on incidents and are always willing to "go the extra mile" for them. They are respected as our leaders and friends.
As operations chief, Spike Newby has the responsibility of the day-to-day operations of the fire district. Staffing, apparatus and equipment, training, and district procedures keep him busy enough, and we all know he handles much more. Our training programs are top notch, our equipment is well maintained, and our facilities are being maintained and often are improved. A large part of his job is to keep spending on target within the district budget. He is constantly on top of this, and with a "heavy hand," keeps us on target.
As the fire marshal, Vern Canon is responsible for prevention activities. This is a big job that is multifaceted. Inspections, plan approvals, preplanning, building codes, vegetation abatement and fire investigation all fall into the category of prevention. He works closely with builders, engineers, contractors, supervisors and educators in performing his duties. He continues to pass on his expertise to the staff, which enables us to be involved with prevention in the community. On emergency incidents Battalion Chief Canon demands excellence and efficiency fro his crew and relates well to everyone.
The battalion chiefs of NCCFD are well respected and trusted. The crews perform well for them out of desire and respect. We are honored to follow their leadership. Please join us in taking a moment to express our thanks for two leaders we believe are doing a great job for us and the community they serve.
Spencer Garrett, president
Nevada County Professional
Firefighters Local 3800
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