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Alicia's Webpage * A very old website made by my very cool little sister when she was, like, 5.

Cecelia's Page * Another website by another one of my baby sisters, but much more recent.

Jr's Page * My little brudder's extremely new website.

Joe Cartoon * Really funny cartoons, and some cool downloads. * Pretty cool if you're a fan of Disneyland's Haunted Mansion.

Intercotwest * Go there to read about the latest ride accidents at the Disneyland Resort... lol just kidding... oh wait, no I'm not...

Hotmail * If you've been living under a rock the past ten years and don't have an e-mail address, go here. They'll give you one for free.

eBay * Go buy stuff. I think this could possibly be the best site ever... * If you don't know who Homestar Runner, Strong Bad, or Coach Z are, then you are probably not a college student.

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