The author recognizes that most people would like to leave all of these issues up to a competent authority. If you continue to examine the information of my web sites you will realize that there really is no competent authority when it comes to behavior. If there was they would have come forward sometine ago and informed the public that not only is the Consitution being eroded but also that the specialists in behavior were negelecting an understanding of the unconscious mind. They would also have a great deal to say about television and its effects with warnings about continuing to allow entertainment of the types that are increasingly offered. We all have had a sense that something is wrong when the exploitations of our animal desires and fears increase each year and the outcry results in no change.
The American Psychological Association
Letter to A.P.A 2/15/00 & response from A.P.A., 5/22/00
An early book that outlines the established potentials for hypnosis
Pages 120 through 126 of "Human Behavior" 1964
A book compiling the research of the past
Pages 173-176 of EMOTIONS and MEMORY, D. Rapaport, 1961
An effort by Native Medicine people to bring the whole truth into legal pleadings
Opening Statement of Defendant, 220298, 9/8/98
An example of a psychologists inability to deal with these issues
Note from Psychologist Daniel Alevy
Physiological potentials of cellular changes induced by hypnosis