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My Oakland Raiders Pictures

One of my favorite things to do when I go to the Raiders games is to take pictures. Hours before the game starts I go down into the Skull Patrol in the South Endzone to take pictures of all the Raiders while they warm up before the game. I don’t have any action pics from games being that I sit way up on Mount Davis, but they are really cool anyways. I also take pics at the Napa Community Day every year.


      Me with James Folston(55) and Marcus Ray(42) at Napa.                                        Me with Calvin Branch.



      My cousin and I with a couple Raiderettes.                           Timmy and Charles go head to head.            



Here is Me (in car), my friend Joe (middle), and Cousin Chris (right). This is a fellow Raider Fan’s car which we posed in front of at the annual Raider Community Day in Napa, CA.


Our beloved Rich Gannon warming up the old Cannon.



     Charles points into the crowd before a game.                                             Charles leaps into the air to snatch up the ball.



                                Wheatley getting ready for the game.                               Good ole’ Albert Lewis Comes over to say hi.



Offensive players                               Deffensive Players


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