November 1999
John 4: 21-24 says, "Woman ( Church ), believe me, the hour comes, when you shall neither in this mountain, nor even in Jerusalem, worship the Father...the true worshiper will worship the Father in spirit and in truth." The Father's kingdom administration is World-Wide with exactness and realness. There are emerging gushing exposures, verification, triumph, and the zenith of the unexpected in spirituality in Christ being unveiled. There are growing extensions that cannot be repressed by human thought. Constriction and contractions are being narrowed down as heavenly signals are being multitudinously witnessed by searching millions of common folks. These signals from the "last trump" are abounding with repetition and regularity. New sky continents are bearing down upon us with new data. Uncensored reports reflecting brilliant introductory into secret places are being confirmed as we abide in this new Lord's Day Presence. Identification with our Lord here and now is being voiced by various denominations. Presently we are meeting little or no opposition to neo-thought patterns that are even in the elementary stages of speculation. All seem to welcome these lightning like charges of thirty-million volts. Strangely, this tremendous avalanche of spiritual data is being harnessed and used by "whosoever will." Forecasters of divine truth are actually experiencing secretly and openly their once-laughed-at forecasts. Those in the low strata of the pecking order are coming out of isolation as varying shades and shafts of great light pierce their surroundings. The great gathering is being proclaimed. Islands of human separation are being formed into unified hemispheres. Hemispheric barriers are becoming universal togetherness. There will be no division in this great Body of Christ as they call resurrection and immortality forth both in man and in fallen creatures that also wait for the manifestation of the sons of Almighty God.
Is that not what the bible says the creation is waiting for? Rom. 8: 19. From Christians in various parts of the world I have read a collection of prophecies, dreams, visions, and personal visitations regarding the unveiling of Jesus and bible mysteries.
Here is a short list of these profound, testable, terrestrial and celestial happenings that are being experienced here and now, such as sensing the great Grace that is to be revealed in these last and truly momentous days we are living in. Futuristic expectancy is giving way to the now acquisition of divine promises. Saints are coming to a greater grip with a world vision. Garments of praise are reasonably sure. There is a great loss of religious frivolity. Traditional barriers are enthusiastically being destroyed. Rediscovery of the fire anointing is current thinking. Spirit Rest is being confirmed. Many are seeing that spiritual mindedness is powerful essential. There is a greater comprehension of the mysteries of scripture. Sustained health is given more priority. Talk of immortality is bombarding us as being for the now. New views of the Rapture are being fostered among the prophetic realm, as well as administrative church personnel. Many experience varied and beautiful manifestations of the heavenly fragrance and perfume. Strange oil formula is appearing on the body, once on my hands, on a friend of mine recently in Garden Valley while many came to him for healing, and the infilling of the Holy Spirit. It was awesome to behold and experience.
Some are giving total response to transcending songs within and without. There are numerous personal visitations, walking and talking with Jesus in audible voice, keener awareness of abiding in Him, spiritual ministering as ones spirit is immediately transferred to other parts of the world. Many are experiencing a new and lasting quickening or aliveness quality that lasts longer and they find it is on a higher plane, walking on the Jesus plane. Cosmic barriers are seen only as playpens to those in chains. New celestial phenomena are noticed more and more.
God's great searchlight is present to uncover the works of darkness. And God is being glorified in the saints. Didn't Paul say, "And they glorified God in me?" Galatians 2:24. Many are hearing the cry of the Spirit to enter into the fullness of the New Day. To sum it up, the living saints are Almighty God's godman to rule as the fullness of Christ's body that "fills all and all." Ephesians 1: 22, 23. Hallelujah!
The now appearing of Jesus is more than loving doctrines. It is being swallowed up whole-souled, whole-spirit and whole-bodied. It's vibrating with new atoms in a new dimension. It is not "earth shine" any longer, but celestial luminosity that is adequate to appear with the voices, lightnings and thunderings about Father's astronomical throne. You're to be the water of life. You have the crown to wear, and crowns to impart.
Einstein made a gross error when he theorized that there is no speed that exceeds the speed of light. His only experience was with earth shine. The earthy can only carry you at the slow speed of 186, 000 miles per second. Spirit speed is incalculable. It operates in us like military angels. Father's domain is composed of non-physical stuff. The New Man acts on given thoughts on the Jesus plane. Thus, thinking becomes obsolete. Planning is obsolete because it is slow and time-consuming. The past, present, and future are earthly equations that give weighty time-consciousness to mortality.
These impartations of the Holy Spirit that we are experiencing are not to be looked upon as mere blessings but as new dimensions where the recipient is to walk. This is where spontaneous transformation is instantaneous, not in His cloud chamber, but in His "face to face chamber." Here we are given the solution that will lead to a much deeper understanding of the nature of God's kingdom administration. Like John on Patmos, when the Spirit bids us, Come up higher, we minister from the heavens within.
Scott Paris
Pastor's church in Modesto, CA.
Live in Stockton, 35 miles south of Sacramento.
Author's Call Of The Kingdom, a monthly news letter that goes out internationally, by snail mail, at no charge for the asking.
Scott & Louise Paris, 2037 Del Rio Dr, Stockton CA 95204-1620